The Body Keeper by Anne Frasier is the third novel in the Detective Jude Fontaine Mysteries series. The protagonist is a police detective was left an uncanny intuition after being held captive for three years.
The Body Counter by Anne Frasier
10th Jul
Author, Anne Frasier, reunites readers with Detective Jude Fontaine in her newest novel The Body Counter. I soon found myself pulled into this suspenseful murder mystery.
The Body Reader by Anne Frasier
23rd Aug
Fourth of July weekend, despite my pile of ARCS and my long TBR list I was in the mood for something different to read. Can you relate? My Kindle Oasis has Ads that appear on the screen saver and The Body Reader had teased me all week-long. On impulse, I clicked read more, read the synopsis and clicked BUY, only to discover as a Prime member I could read it free! This was my first time taking advantage of the lending library and I am eager to try it again next month.