Sunday Post #567 Sun, Snow & Wind

March 19th, 2023 Kimberly Sunday Post 42 Comments

19th Mar
Sunday Post #567 Sun, Snow & Wind

The Sunday Post is a blog news meme hosted here @ Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on your blog for the week ahead. Join in weekly, bi-weekly or for a monthly wrap up

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Small Bones by Kerry Buchanan

March 17th, 2023 Kimberly Review 14 Comments

17th Mar
Small Bones by Kerry Buchanan

Small Bones by Kerry Buchanan is the second audiobook in the Harvey and Birch Irish crime thriller series. The cover boasts that it’s utterly addictive and I would have to agree. Narrated by Esther Wane, I could not set this one down….

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A Sinister Revenge by Deanna Raybourn

March 16th, 2023 Kimberly Review 26 Comments

16th Mar
A Sinister Revenge by Deanna Raybourn

A Sinister Revenge, written by Deanna Raybourn, is the 8th installment in the Veronica Speedwell series, which is delicious and captivating. These historical books have amazing characters and are packed with intrigue, love, and excitement. An intriguing case & danger await you….

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