The Taker by Alma Katsu is a historical love story with supernatural elements and a dark underbelly. I read this novel for a book of the month selection on Goodreads. It had elements I expected and some that made me squeamish. Overall I enjoyed this strange and dark tale. Katsu is a talented writer and her writing style captivated me. Some of the subject matter made me uncomfortable and I found myself skimming through those scenes. Ordinarily I would have stopped reading, but I had this overwhelm need to know Lanore’s story.- that is the beauty of Katsu’s writing.
The Selection by Kiera Cass
The Selection by Kiera Cass is a Cinderella tale set in a dystopian world. This was my first read by the author and the gorgeous cover is what first drew me to it. The tale offers drama, romance, a love triangle and suspense. Similarities to the popular television show the Bachelor and the novel Hunger Games extend only to the selection being televised by the nation and perhaps the hope of living happily ever after. This was a fun easy read that I consumed in a few hours.
The Immortal Rules by Julie Kagawa
Immortal Rules is the first in a new series by Iron Fey author Julia Kagawa. The Blood of Eden series is a dystopia that takes place sixty years after a virus killed off most of the world’s human population. The countryside has been abandoned and humans now reside in Vampire Cities. This was my first time reading Kagawa’s work and I found it to be absolutely delightful. It reminded me of a young adult version of one of my favorite books The Passage by Justin Cronin.
Splintered by Dean Murray
Splintered, is the third novel in a series involving shape-shifters living in Sanctuary, written by author Dan Murray. In February I reviewed the first novel, Torn and loved it. This novel brings problems from Agony, the Coun’hij, the pack, and Adri’s Mom. Fans of this series will enjoy the tale and be shocked by the ending.
Chasing The Cyclone A Father’s Unending Love For His Son by Peter Thomas Senese
Today author Peter Thomas Senese is here to share information about child abductions and what he is doing to help. Please take a moment to check out his latest novel inspired by his own personal attempts to reunite with his abducted son: