Innocent Darkness by Suzanne Lazear

August 6th, 2012 Kimberly Review 42 Comments

6th Aug
Innocent Darkness by Suzanne Lazear

The cover of Innocent Darkness called to the cover whore inside me and she immediately had to have it. I mean look at it~ in all of its steampunk fineries. As the first book in the Aether Chronicles, I went into this book expecting a steampunk novel with a fantasy twist. What I got was a young adult fantasy with a steampunk mention. I am noticing a trend in YA novels that seem to cross multiple genres and I am personally not happy about it. It waters down the genres and has me as a consumer leery about what I am actually buying. Despite my disappointment, I did enjoy this dark fantasy.

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Sound of the Heart by Genevieve Graham

May 10th, 2012 Kimberly Review 0 Comments

10th May
Sound of the Heart by Genevieve Graham

The Sound of Heart by historical fiction romance author Genevieve Graham takes us from the sweeping hills of Scotland to the savage shores of America. When Graham approached me for this tour she had me at the words; Scotland and Highlander. I am delighted to say I wasn’t disappointed. She delivered an epic tale of hardship, history, and a romance that will captivate readers.

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Royal Street by Suzanne Johnson

March 11th, 2012 Kimberly Review 0 Comments

11th Mar
Royal Street by Suzanne Johnson

Royal Street is the first in a brand new urban fantasy series entitled Sentinels of New Orleans by author Suzanne Johnson. The tale takes place against the backdrop of New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina. Johnson beautifully captures New Orleans, some of its most famous citizens and creates a fresh new fantasy world. While this first novel deals a lot with establishing this new world, I found the tale and the characters to be delightful. This tale contains wizards, assassins, Fae, elves, vampires, shape-shifters and more. With Kim Harrison’s series the Hollows winding down, I am excited about this new series

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Gold Train by Lada Ray

March 8th, 2012 Kimberly Review 0 Comments

8th Mar
Gold Train by Lada Ray

Gold Train by Lada Ray is a non-stop adult-fiction thriller set in Russia. Protagonist, Jade Snow, a journalist and amateur detective who appeared in Ray’s previous novel entitled Stepford U.S.A. is back in an new tale. Based on historical facts, Ray takes us to Russia, to discover what happen to the entire Gold reserve of the Russian Empire. It vanished without a trace during the Civil War in 1918. The tale offers, suspense, mystery, murder and a touch of paranormal.

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