Nexus by Ramez Naam

January 4th, 2023 Kimberly Review 15 Comments

4th Jan
Nexus by Ramez Naam

I was looking for a science fiction thriller when I stumbled upon Nexus by Ramez Naam. Then I scooped it up when I saw it was narrated by Luke Daniels. The series is in Kindle Unlimited and you can download the audio at a reduced cost. This techno thriller kept me on the edge of my seat with its thought-provoking story involving nano-technology.

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Sunday Post #556 Happy New Year!

January 1st, 2023 Kimberly Sunday Post 108 Comments

1st Jan
Sunday Post #556 Happy New Year!

The Sunday Post is a blog news meme hosted here @ Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on your blog for the week ahead. Join in weekly, bi-weekly or for a monthly wrap up.

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Blood is Thicker Than Lots of Stuff by Chris Tullbane

December 28th, 2022 Kimberly Review 10 Comments

28th Dec
Blood is Thicker Than Lots of Stuff by Chris Tullbane

Blood is Thicker Than Lots of Stuff by Chris Tullbane is the second audiobook in the Many Travails of John Smith. This urban fantasy series features a San Diego’s supernatural mediator, and struggling private investigator. In this episode, a simple cheating spouse case goes to the wolves. Snark, suspense and a motley cast of characters await you….

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