Spooky Reads by Flashlight

October 10th, 2018 Kimberly Feature 40 Comments

10th Oct
Spooky Reads by Flashlight

The following titles are perfect for this spooky time of year. It’s up to you whether or not you read or listen to them. I’ve got a little of everything below from creeptastic horror to suspenseful thrillers. Be warned.. ..leave the lights on!

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Seven Audio Series That Rock!

August 17th, 2018 Kimberly Feature 34 Comments

17th Aug
Seven Audio Series That Rock!

Audiobooks have become a HUGE part of my reading each year. In fact for 2018 I would say I am 68% Audiobooks out of 168 novels I’ve finished. My favorite genre for audio hands down is Urban Fantasy, followed my suspense thrillers, mysteries, horror and paranormal. I do dabble in romance and its subgenres and cozy mysteries are great fun on audio. I thought it would be fun to share some of my favorite series since I began devouring audiobooks.

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Seven Books That Gave Me A Book High…

August 16th, 2018 Kimberly Feature 28 Comments

16th Aug
Seven Books That Gave Me A Book High…

Caffeinated Reviewer celebrated its seven year blogoversary this week, and for some stupid reason I thought it would be fun to share seven books that gave me a book high. You know that feeling you get when you slip into a book and reemerge in a euphoric state. It’a a feeling we all chase. Grab an iced mocha frappe and add these to your must read list.

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Caffeinated 2017 Top Ten Romances

December 28th, 2017 Kimberly Feature 27 Comments

28th Dec
Caffeinated 2017 Top Ten Romances

I adore romances from the tropes to the introduction of secondary genres like suspense and paranormal. Today I am sharing my favorite romantic reads that I devoured and/or reviewed in 2017. Please note this may include both audio and physical books. Grab a cup of cocoa and enjoy!

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