With my planned trip to New Orleans, I thought I would share some books set in the famous city. To me NOLA is a mecca for all things paranormal and mysterious. I have picked up books solely because they are set in this wonderfully rich historical city known as one of the most haunted cities in the world. A mix of wonderful cultures and religious beliefs have made this resilient city a popular tourist destination.
Owl and the Japanese Circus by Kristi Charish
Owl and the Japanese Circus by Kristi Charish, is the first novel in the urban fantasy series The Adventures of Owl. Mythology, vampires, dragons, demons, elves and more combined with a spunky thief as our heroine had this novel providing one heck of a ride.
The Deep by Nick Cutter
Do you like old school horror? Nick Cutter brings that dark grittiness to his story. The Deep is a spine-tingling, breath-holding horror story that had me in awe even as I cringed. I listened to this on audio and Corey Brill’s narration made the protagonist’s fear seep into my bones.
Caffeinated Confessions: Top Ten Signs Your TBR Pile is too Big..
My friends, neighbors, and acquaintances often make comments about the amount of books I own and read. I have quite the collection but I love each and every one of them. But even I know that my TBR pile is too big. Here are some signs to watch out for….
The Alphabet House by Jussi Adler-Olsen
I am always drawn to tales set during World War II and could not help picking up The Alphabet House by Jussi Adler-Olsen. Alphabet House is a psychological thriller about two British pilots who find themselves behind enemy lines. Their journey to survive finds them being admitted as patients in the Alphabet House, an asylum for Nazi officers. Adler-Olsen takes us on their harrowing journey during the war and after.