The Sunday Post is a blog news meme hosted here @ Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on your blog for the week ahead. Join in weekly, bi-weekly or for a monthly wrap up. See rules here: Sunday Post Meme
It’s been bitterly cold this week, but I am not complaining. A few minutes of watching the news this week reminded me to count my blessings. I had a busy work week and the Royals finally headed back to school after winter break on Tuesday. The tree is still up, but I hope to get that taken down this week. I read and listened quite a bit this week, so I need to buckle down and write some reviews. Stay Caffeinated.
Last Week on the Blog
- Holmes Is Missing by James Patterson & Brian Sitts (audiobook review)
- Shattering Dawn by Jayne Ann Krentz (book review)
- In the Seen Her Year by Baylin Wing (book review/ guest post)
- Werecats Emergent by Mark J. Engels (book review)
This Week on the Blog
- Dr. Alaska by Jillian David (book review)
- The Business Trip by Jessie Garcia (book review)
- Trouble Island by Sharon Short (book review/ guest post)
- Devil’s Bargain by Rachel Caine (audiobook review)
New Arrivals at the Caffeinated Cafe

- Murder at the Gulls Nest by Jess Kidd
- The Gilded Heiress by Joanna Shupe
- Cold Iron Task by James J. Butcher
- The Lodge by Kayla Olson
- Werecats Convergent by Mark J. Engels
A special thanks to Avon, Simon & Schuster, Penguin Random House, Simon Audio & author Mark J. Engels
Around The Blogosphere
- Announcing 2025 Finishing the Series Challenge Sign Up with New Hosts @Carla Loves to Read
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Rolé @ Hooked By That Book
Hope you have a wonderful week!
We actually had snow last week and I was not a fan. I would really not like it if it stayed around awhile! It’s good to count your blessings and just focusing on family. I hope you’re having a wonderful week.
It’s temperate where I am but yeah the news is a reminder of how hot things can get. Prayers up for all those affected.
I know what you mean about counting our blessings in the face of what is going on in L.A. regarding the weather, Kimberly. And I hope the coming week is a bit more relaxing.
I’ve added Holmes is Missing to my TBR list. I know what you mean about counting your blessings. Stay warm!
Jen at Introverted Reader
We should all be counting our blessings this week. The pictures from those fires are horrific. Good luck catching up this week.
I hope you are feeling better. Most of our decorations are still up, my MIL passed away on Christmas Day and I thought I’d wait until after her funeral yesterday to take down the decorations. I need to read the book before “Cold Iron Task”, I clicked and looked at the Kindle pricing for Cold Iron–$14.99 , ouch! Thank goodness for Library and the library apps! I’m going to put “Long Past Dues” on hold asap.
Sophia Rose
Sounds like you’re getting back off holidays nicely. I still need to take the tree down, too.
Have a good week, Kimberly!
Cindy's Book Corner
I love when the holidays are over and we can get back into our normal routines. Have a great week!
Mary Kirkland
It’s been cold here but no snow, ice or fires so I won’t complain.
It does put life into perspective, doesn’t it? Wishing you a wonderful week. 🙂
Anne - Books of My Heart
yes it is easy to look at the news and count our blessings. It’s great you have read the books at least, so you can write the reviews. I have to write them in the next day or so after I finish or I don’t remember everything I want to say. Audiobooks don’t lend themselves to highlighting or comments so it’s more important. I probably need to figure out a better system than what I do now.
I keep notes, like names, tidbits etc even for my audio listens. Usually I write them in the same week that I read them, but the holidays and having the grandchildren home for three weeks for winter break blew things up…lol
Bonnie Reads and Writes
We got snow this weekend, but sunny today, so maybe some of it will melt. Have a great week!
I too must count my blessings even if the week has been stressful Kimberly! I am glad to know that you are spared either the fires either the snow storm! Stay warm and caffeinated (and write the reviews LOL)
Emma @ Words And Peace
Cold here too, but yes, so many people going through hell…
Lisa Howeler
It has been cold here too and I am also behind on reviews. Stay as warm as you can.
May every last one of us have a calm, quiet, normal, good week this week! Come on 2025, I know you’ve got it in you!
Lisa Mandina (Lisa Loves Literature)
Watching the news and seeing the devastation in California definitely makes me not complain about the cold and snow here. Although I also got the bonus of snow days with that, so it was actually good for me. I got my Christmas decorations taken down on Monday, I told myself if I got a snow day then that was what I’d do. I got so much blogging caught up and even some Top Ten Tuesdays and a Discussion post set up for future dates. I’m going to hate going back to work this week just because of how it will get me behind again on blogging and reading. Have a good week!
Jamie @ The Fantasy Princess
It has been cold and snowing here too. But I love it! Hope you have a great week!
A Voracious Reader
Before bed each night I list something I’m grateful for. Lately it’s that I have a warm, dry, safe place to live.
I am about over the cold here in MI too 😉 But I keep telling myself that at least the days are getting longer again.. But definitely a lot of scary stuff out in the world.
Whitney @ First Impressions Reviews
I still have my tree up too, with how tragic the news has been recently it’s nice to have something that brings a little joy. I hope you have a great week!
Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction
Yeah, I’ve been cheerfully promoting my book launch on social media, and it’s been kind of tough knowing so many people are going through such loss right now. I mean, I definitely still want to celebrate, but it’s definitely a weird feeling considering what the news is like (although I guess you could say the same thing for the last couple of years! Seems like it’s one thing after another.)
I totally get that. Some of my authors were struggling with what to post and not to post.
In NH and it has been SO bitterly cold. This weekend it has finally been warm enough to snow a little more … but I am already dreaming of spring and gardens
Jessica @ a GREAT read
I myself am enjoying these last dog days of winter! I know that the cruel summer will be here before I know it and I am not ready for that at al! Lol. I could do without the snow, while I like it fine enough, it does make life harder as our mail carrier uses it as an excuse to not deliver to us for days and I have things I’ve been waiting on for a very long time coming and it’s just irritating that they will deliver one snow covered day but then skip the next because they are running behind and put the blame on us for not getting our mail.
Nice new reads! These are all totally new to me ones. I hope you enjoy each and every one of them!
Here’s my StS
Have a GREAT day!
Old Follower 🙂
Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
It’s cold here too. We have had one week back at school. The decorations are all down and put away, just need to sort out all the presents that are still out on display 🤣
Have a great week!
Jodie | That Happy Reader
The fires in L.A. are so tragic. The Lodge looks particularly good to me. Have a great week and stay warm.
You are so right, Kimberly. We all need to count our blessings, because others have it worse. I also read and listened to a lot this week and need to get several reviews written. I hope you have a great upcoming week. Thanks so much for adding the sign up for the Finishing The Series post.
I try to avoid the news. Most of it is beyond my personal control and just leaves me anxious. I finally took down my Christmas decorations yesterday. If I didn’t they’d be there until February.
Yvonne @ Socrates Book Reviews
The news really has been horrible and I’ve been counting my blessings too. I hope you have a great week. Stay warm!
Harvee @ Harvee Reads
Looking forward to Murder at Gulls Nest too.
Please come visit my brand new blog for 2025!
It’s been cold here as well, but at least we’ve had some sunny days which has been a nice change compared to the gloomy December we had. Good luck with getting those reviews written and your tree taken down.
understand how. you feel about being thankful.. same with me.. and just started watching Castle (the first episode guest stars James Patterson – a brief appearance!)
Rachel @Waves of Fiction
I’m stunned over the amount of devastation caused by the wildfires in Southern California! Yes, I’m counting my blessings, too!
I need to write a few reviews, as well! I just saw a review for The Lodge that makes me want to pick it up.
Lark @ The Bookwyrm's Hoard
The news has me counting my blessings, too. So many homes and family memories destroyed.
With these freezing temperatures I am ready to hibernate and wouldn’t you know there’s an alert day on Tuesday and I am scheduled for my 6th month infusion. We may be rescheduling 🙃
Stay warm and toasty and have a great week!
Laurel-Rain Snow
I can remember years in the past when my tree stayed up until March! LOL. I haven’t had a tree in a couple of years now, though.
Enjoy your reading and viewing..
I took my tree down today. I was sad to see it go. Kept my outside lights up though. It’s so dark right now and they look pretty in the snow.
Taylor @ Taylor Fenner’s Bookish World
I have two ARC reviews to do this week and a third that I forgot was releasing this week that I need to finish reading.