The Sunday Post is a blog news meme hosted here @ Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on your blog for the week ahead. Join in weekly, bi-weekly or for a monthly wrap up. See rules here: Sunday Post Meme
And just like that, it’s the first weekend in May. The kids get out of school in three weeks and we’ve got company visiting at the end of the month. I am adjusting to my glasses, but will probably get readers just for when I am on my laptop. Giving it another week before I decide. During the month of April, I read/listened to 14 books. I am six books behind on my Goodreads challenge 60/200. For the Audiobook Challenge, I have listened to 46/150 and Library Love 6/12. Stay Caffeinated.
Last Week on the Blog
- The Nightmare Machine By Tim White (audiobook review)
- One Of Our Own Lucinda Berry(audiobook review)
- #JIAM Audiobook Mini-Challenge (event)
- The First Death By Kendra Elliot (book review)
This Week on the Blog
- Disturbing The Dead By Kelley Armstrong (audiobook review)
- People In Glass Houses By Jayne Castle (book review)
- Sex, Lies, And Sensibility By Nikki Payne (guest post/book review)
- Totality By Kim Harrison (audiobook review)
New Arrivals at the Caffeinated Cafe

Learn more:
- Emergence by Kim Harrison
- A House in Shadow by Erica Damon
- All Our Tomorrows by Catherine Bybee
A special thanks to Penguin Audio & Erica Damon & Montlake
Around The Blogosphere
- #JIAM Audiobook Challenge June 1st-through June 30th. Sign up!
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Sounds like you are making some awesome progress with your reading goals! Great job!
We still have two months of school left. We have several close and distant family member visiting this month.. lots of entertaining ahead of us.
Our kids go until the end of June here, so still 7 more weeks. I hope you have a great week, Kimba.
Mary Kirkland
I wear reading glasses all the time now when I read or am at the computer. Getting older sucks. My grandson will be out of school May 28th and Summer begins.
Anne - Books of My Heart
I’m loving the Kim Harrison scifi sort of short audio series.
Lisa Mandina (Lisa Loves Literature)
Yep, three more weeks of school for us too! Even though I’m doing summer school after that. So ready! Hope you have a good week!
Sophia Rose
Yeah, wild that it’s already May. Sounds like a busy month for you. Doing pretty good on your reading numbers and challenges consider how much illness you’ve had to battle lately.
Have a good week, Kimberly!
Jan farnworth
Congrats on what you got read i never worry about if i am ahead or behind on my goal as i not one to freak out if i don’t make it. I just excited to see how many i get done. I so glad i only have one set of glasses had them since i was in third grade and had friends who are like get contacts and that just seems like a bigger hassle then putting on my eyeballs as i like to say. Have a great reading week.
I don’t have a laptop (just a desktop), but I have readers for when I read books. It’s hard to find that sweet spot with the progressives when reading on something like that. My eye doctor said the same thing. Have a great week! 🙂
Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction
Even though I don’t have a strong prescription, I still needed to get transition lenses in my glasses for reading (and maybe for the computer as well?). Not fun to know my eyes are getting old!!
Haze @ The Book Haze
I’m also contemplating getting new glasses. I can see fine without them at the moment, but my right eye is starting to have trouble adjusting to distances and I think I should probably get them looked at. Making the decision is the hard part! 😂
Adjusting to new glasses is never easy! And where did the school year go?
Victoria Hamel
We have 21 more days of school, we would have been out at the end of this month, but we had a couple of snow days and my district doesn’t do virtual days (too hard for elementary kids) I’m looking forward to your reviews of Kim Harrison’s audio book and Sex, Lies, and Sensibility, a book I enjoyed!
Rachel @Waves of Fiction
I can’t believe the kids are out in 3 weeks! Same with my grandkids. I’m looking forward to Emergence. I also have People in Glass Houses up this next week. Just need to read it! Yep, I’m behind too, lol!
Idea-ist @ GetLostinLit
Don’t worry about being behind on goodreads, readings’ supposed to be fun not an eternal commitment.
So hard to believe it’s May already!
Jodie @ That Happy Reader
I always forget that in some parts of North America the kids finish school in May (it’s late June here). I hope you adjust to your new glasses soon. Have a wonderful Sunday!
aimee can read
The first weekend of May came by SO fast! And it looks like the rest of May is going to be busy for you — the last couple of weeks of school are always kind of crazy, plus the visitors, and catching up on your GR goal. I hope you guys have a lot of fun but still get some rest. 😊
Cindy's Book Corner
I used to have readers that I used just for reading and being on my computer. Now I have bifocals, which work pretty good. I hope you get yours sorted out. Have a great week!
A Voracious Reader
The year is going fast and yet slow. I hope the glasses use settles into normalcy.
I don’t know where the year is going either!! And though I’ve been wearing varifocals for years now, I have a pair of reading glasses for my kindle and another pair I keep by my computer, as the wear and tear on my eyes and neck is too intense if I try to rely on my varifocals. Have a great week, Kimberly.
Jessica @ a GREAT read
It feels like school years fly by quicker now that I am no longer “in” them! Lol. I’m already longing for the quiet days of fall! And nicer weather too! Not ready for the never-ending heat of summer!
Nice new reads! I want to give Kim’s new little series a try, but I’m not an audio reader. Hoping one day they might be made into ebooks or something. Oh well! I got plenty to read while I wait! Lol. Hope you enjoy the new reads!
Here’s my StS
Have a GREAT day!
Old Follower 🙂
Tanya @ Girl Plus Books
Adjusting to new glasses is always tricky. I’ve been behind on my GR goal for most of the year which is a first for me. Hope you have a great week, Kimberly!
Tessa @TessaTalksBooks
You’ve made wonderful progress on your challenges. Congratulations! Hope you get the glasses sorted soon. Have a great week!
Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
I can’t believe that it’s May already!
You have done well on your reading challenges even if you are a bit behind.
I hope your glasses situation gets sorted. I put getting new ones off for as long as possible as it’s just a nightmare getting the right ones.
Have a great weekend!
60 books so far this year is great! I’m only at 45, but I’m well ahead of my goal of 100. I’ll probably up before the year is over.
Lark @ The Bookwyrm's Hoard
Aren’t aging eyes fun? (Not.) I hope you adjust to the glasses soon. Still, it looks like you’re doing pretty well on your challenges, especially Library Love.
It’s hard to believe we’re almost half way through the year! Have a great week 🙂
This year is flying! Have a great week.
I hate how fast the year is going but am loving the weather, even the thunderstorms.
Keep giving those glasses some time. Have a great week!
Yvonne @ Socrates Book Reviews
You had a great reading month in April. I hope May is good too. It’s so hard to believe it’s May already. Have a great week!
I think it is easy to a new pair of glasses but that might just be me.
Laurel-Rain Snow
Congrats on your great reading month! Enjoy the summer ahead.