The Sunday Post is a blog news meme hosted here @ Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on your blog for the week ahead. Join in weekly, bi-weekly or for a monthly wrap up. See rules here: Sunday Post Meme
First, I am improving. The fever is gone, cough has loosened and aside from a lot of congestion and fatigue, I am out of the woods. I hit my Goodreads Challenge and closed at 203/200. For my Audiobook Challenge 124/125 Not too shabby. We rang in the New Year at home. The first day of January brought snow and with it freezing temperatures with lows in the -teens and highs of 7. Brrrr. I still can’t believe Betty White is gone. Stay warm and Happy New Year! Elbow hugs! Stay Caffeinated.
Last Week on the Blog
- Kingscastle By Sophia Holloway (book review, guest post)
- Watching Over You By Lori Foster (book review)
- Audio Blitz: To Be A Fae Queen By Tricia Copeland (spotlight, giveaway)
- 🎧 Hush Hush By Erik Carter (audio review)
- Final Check In 2021 Audiobook Challenge (event)
This Week on the Blog
- Love At First Spite By Anna E. Collins (book review)
- 🎧 📚The Maid By Nita Prose (audio/book review)
- 🎧 Practical Hexes By Kim Richardson (audio review)
- 🎧 Murder Under Her Skin & Fortune Favors The Dead By Stephen Spotswood (audio review)
- 🎧 Lady Of Ashes By Christine Trent (audio review)
New Arrivals at the Caffeinated Cafe

Around The Blogosphere
- 2022 Book Blog Discussion Challenge Sign-Up hosted by Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction and Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight!
- #COYER 2022 sign-up hosted by Because Reading
- 2022 New Release Challenge hosted by The Unconventional Bookworms
- 2022 NetGalley and Edelweiss Reading Challenge hosted by Socrates’ Book Reviews
- 2022 Finish the Series Challenge hosted by Mom with a Reading Problem
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Happy New Year!! Glad you are feeling better.. and your reading goals for 2021 were definitely met… so very cool..
Happy New Year and so glad you’re feeling better! It decided to become winter here and I am decidely not happy about it. Luckily it should warm up a little soon I’m not designed for cold weather! I was so sad to hear about Betty White. The world definitely lost a bit of its shine with her gone. I hope you have a wonderful week.
Tyler H. Jolley
Happy New Year, Kimba! I was off offline for most of December so I’m out of the loop. Did you get covid again? I’m so sorry you were sick, but it sounds like you’re on the upswing. Feel better!
Lover of Romance
I am so happy that you are feeling better, so heartbreaking about Betty. Spending New Year at home is so relaxing and I always enjoy it more.
I’m glad you are starting to feel better! It’s so sad about Betty White. 🙁
I am very glad that you are feeling better as you start the new year. Brrrrr is right. – not for me.
Surprised you have no new books – I always fill up before the new year so the books can count as TBRs. 🙂
I do see you are noting some challenges. I am working up mine this week.
Have a wonderful week and Happy Reading!
Wendy Williams
I’m so glad you’re feeling better. We got some snow this week and some very cold weather too.
Mary Kirkland
Happy New Year.
I’m glad you’re feeling better.
Anne - Books of My Heart
I am so happy you are getting better. You did amazing with your challenges. Happy New Year!
Sophia Rose
Glad you’re feeling a bit better. We’ve got the brr temps too, so I’ve been reading and not taking down Christmas decorations. LOL
Have a good week, Kimberly!
sherry fundin
glad to hear you are feeling better. happy new year
Cindy Davis
Sorry to hear that you have been sick. Glad you are improving. It seems like a lot of stuff is going around right now. This is my first time linking up to the Sunday Post! Thanks for hosting!
A Voracious Reader
I’m glad you are improving. {{{posivibes}}} to get you back to normal. We’ve been in the 70s (wtf), but it’s supposed to drop tonight and the rain we’ve been getting may turn to snow and/or freeze what’s wet. Oh. Yay.
I’m glad you’re feeling better! It is sad about Betty White 🙁
Enjoy your books this week.
Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction
Thanks for linking to the Discussion Challenge! Glad to hear you’re feeling better!
Lisa Mandina (Lisa Loves Literature)
Glad you’re doing better! Yeah, we got the cold weather and snow on the 1st as well. Have a great first week of the new year!
Glad to hear you’re feeling better! My husband and I caught a nasty bug from our granddaughter and feel horrible today. Have a great week, Kimberly!
Jan @ Notes from a Readerholic
I’m glad you’re feeling a little better, Kimberly. I hope you get completely well this next week. Congratulations on completing your reading challenge. You’re always an inspiration!
I hope you stay warm and read some good books this week.
Enjoy some cozy times with your latest read. Happy New Year 🙂
jessicabookworm @ The Bookworm Chronicles
I am so pleased to hear you are feeling a little better, Kimberly and that you did so well on your reading and audiobook goals! 🎉 I am rather jealous of the snow though, as we have had a very mild Christmas and New Year here in the UK. 😒 Take care, get well and happy new year! 🎆
I am glad your health is improving Kimberly! Also your goals were impressive!! Let’s hope that next week will be much better for you!
Lori Caswell
Glad you are feeling better and congratulations on your challenges. I too am devastated about the passing of Betty White. She will be buried here in Wisconsin next to her husband and I am going to have to make a trip to her grave in the Spring. She was a great lady.
Shelleyrae @ Book’d Out
Wishing you & yours a happy, healthy & safe new year Kimberly.
Have a great reading week, and stay warm!
Emma @ Words And Peace
Happy New Year! So glad you are feeling better. I wish a speedy full recovery
I’m glad you are feeling better Kimberly. I also spent a quiet New Year’s Eve but with lots of fireworks to watch from my balcony. I am in Florida for the next 12 weeks, so I won’t have to deal with cold and snow. Have a great week coming up.
Louise Hallett
So glad to hear you are on the mend – wishing you a wonderful 2022!
Glad to hear you are on the mend!
Stormi Johnson
Glad to hear your feeling better! I am so ready for spring!!!
Have a great week and happy reading!
Jessica @ a GREAT read
Glad to hear you’re feeling better! Hope you continue to get well again! It is so tragic about Betty, we were watching her SNL episode last night. I had really hoped she’d be celebrating her big 1-0-0!
Yay for not adding to your TBR pile! I was not so good in that area this week! Lol.
Here’s my StS
Have a GREAT day!
Old Follower 🙂
S. J. Pajonas
I can’t believe Betty White is gone either. I’m still sad about it. Glad to hear you’re feeling better!
Jennifer | Book Den
Happy new year!
I know, I also cannot believe Betty White is gone. I saw a tweet where someone said that in a world so incredibly divided, we all seem to agree that we love Betty White. So true.
Glad to hear you’re feeling better, hope this week brings a full recovery! And great job with your reading goals!
Aj @ Read All The Things!
I’m glad you’re feeling better. Congrats on hitting your reading goal!
Deb Nance at Readerbuzz
So glad to hear that your fever is gone. Hope you are on the road to recovery.
It was so hot yesterday, and then I woke up to temps that had dropped forty degrees. Sigh.
I am glad to hear that you are improving. I feel like you are always getting sick. I hope that you’re able to take some time for yourself and get better.
Natalie @Natflix&Books
Happy to hear you’re feeling better. I’m so sad about Betty White. She was the best.
I am glad to hear you’re doing better :). Happy new year!
Nadene @Totally Addicted to Reading
So happy to hear you are feeling much better. Yay! on achieving your Goodreads goal.
Happy New Year! Congratulations on all your reading achievements! I managed 96 books this year which has been the most I have ever read!
Glad to hear you are better! Happy New Year!
Tonnie - The Book Junkie Reads . . .
Very happy to hear you are improving and out of the woods. I give congrats to GR Challenge achievement. You did wonderful on the audiobook challenge. Happy to the safe bringing in of the new year. I wants some freezing weather and snow. Send it over to the northeast of US, please and thank you. I still am having a bit of trouble with Betty being gone. She was the girl all day long. You could always get a smile when watching her. She will be missed..
Mareli @ Elza Reads
Glad to hear you are better. Please take care of yourself…. So sad about Betty White’s passing yes. She was a real ray of sunshine. We need more celebrities like that.
Have a wonderful new year Kimberly!
Juli @ A Universe in Words
Betty White really hit hard, just as I thought we were safe from 2021 it came back one last time with a gut punch! I’m glad to hear you’re feeling better slowly but surely! I was very proud of my 102 books this year, but now I am in utter awe of your reading and listening skills! I hope you have a lovely upcoming week and thanks for hosting 🙂
Juli @ A Universe in Words
Tanya @ Girl Plus Books
So good to hear you’re improving! What a relief. Hope you’re taking it easy and giving yourself plenty of rest. So sad about Betty White, but what a long, full life she led.
CJR The Brit
Glad you are feeling better and congrats on hitting your GR goal. ❤
Happy New Year Kimba!!! Hope you had a nice one and glad to hear that you are feeling better.
Snow here too. Stay warm!!!
Patricia in New Mexico
I’m so glad you’re feeling better! Brrr! And here I am in the upper 40’s thinking it’s freezing! Yes, I was sad to hear about Betty White. Take good care and Happy New Year!
Yvonne @ Socrates Book Reviews
Glad you are feeling better. Happy New Year!
Kelly Lyn @ Lifestyle of Me
Enjoy the snow for me. South Carolina had temps in the 80’s today. Not wintery at all. I told my husband that if my pool was still full of water, I would have jumped in it…lol. I cried a lot about Betty White yesterday and today reading interviews and Robert Redfords post to her. 🙁
Victoria A Hamel
I’m glad that you are feeling better! Here is hoping that 2022 is a good year for all of us!
Maureen @ Maureen’s Books
Happy New Year Kimberly. I’m glad to read you’re starting to feel better.
Have a great week and happy reading.
RIP Betty White 😢. A very sad day, for sure.
El @ Exclusory Style
Such heartbreaking news about Betty White. May she rest in peace.
Glad to hear you are feeling better.
Laurel-Rain Snow
Sounds like a great New Year’s Eve. Mine was quiet, with movie watching and reading.
I can’t believe about Betty White either! I was so sure she would make it to 100.
Have a great week.