We Hear Voices by Evie Green

December 10th, 2020 Kimberly Review 3 Comments

10th Dec
We Hear Voices by Evie Green
We Hear Voices
by Evie Green
Narrator: Elizabeth Knowelden
Length: 11 hours and 38 minutes
Genres: Horror
Source: Publisher
Purchase*: Amazon | Audible *affiliate
Rating: One StarOne StarOne StarOne Star
Narration: 4.5 cups Speed: 1.4x

An eerie debut about a little boy who recovers from a sickness and inherits an imaginary friend who makes him do violent things...

Kids have imaginary friends. Rachel knows this. So when her young son, Billy, miraculously recovers from a horrible flu that has proven fatal for many, she thinks nothing of Delfy, his new invisible friend. After all, her family is healthy and that's all that matters.

But soon Delfy is telling Billy what to do, and the boy is acting up and lashing out in ways he never has before. As Delfy's influence is growing stranger and more sinister by the day, and rising tensions threaten to tear Rachel's family apart, she clings to one purpose: to protect her children at any cost--even from themselves.

'WE HEAR VOICES' is a mischievously gripping near-future horror novel that tests the fragility of family and the terrifying gray area between fear and love.

HORRIFIC scifi SUSPENSE thriller

Narrated by Elizabeth Knowelden, the premise of We Hear Voices by Evie Green drew me in with its eerie offerings. A gripping tale about imaginary friends in a near future reality.

Fans of science fiction, horror and thrillers will be drawn into this world. Green’s debut novel begins with a pandemic/flu that kills most, but Rachel’s son Billy survives. She is so grateful that she thinks nothing of Billy’s new imaginary friend Delfy. That is, until Delfy convinces her son to do unspeakable things.

This was a twisted tale that weaved science fiction into an eerily plausible concept that gave me the chills. From the world Rachel and her family live in, to the startling discovers and children, I became immersed in what was happening. I connect with the characters and was invested in the outcome.

This is classified as horror, but it’s more of a science fiction suspense thriller. Things that happen are scary and had a supernatural vibe but you won’t be sleeping with the lights on… then again, maybe you will.

The pacing and world building made listening a pleasure. Elizabeth Knowelden did a splendid job with the voice of Rachel, our protagonist, and the POVs of Nina, and the Doctor.

I worried that the pandemic element would overwhelm me thanks to the current reality of COVID-19, but the dystopian type world and brilliant fleshed out characters soon had me hooked.

We Hear Voices by Evie Green delivered an eerie debut that hooks the listener. #audiobook #scifi #horror Click To Tweet
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About Kimberly
Kimberly is a coffee loving book addict who reads and listens to fictional stories in all genres. Whovian, Ravenclaw, Howler and proud Nonna. She owns and manages Caffeinated PR. The coffee is always on and she is ready to chat. Twitter | Facebook | Instagram

3 Responses to “We Hear Voices by Evie Green”

  1. czai

    This sounds like it’s my type of read. A plausible scifi thriller? Definitely sounds horrifying especially with the current state of the world. I feel a bit off with the supernatural vibe but I’m still quite curious.