by James Goss
Narrator: David Tennant
Length: 1 hr and 12 mins
Genres: Science Fiction
Source: Purchase
Purchase*: Amazon | Audible *affiliate

Narration: 5 Tardis Mugs
At the bottom of the sea, in the wreck of a floating radio station, a lost recording has been discovered. After careful restoration, it is played for the first time - to reveal something incredible. It is the voice of the Doctor, broadcasting from Radio Bravo in 1966. He has traveled to Earth in search of the Hush - a terrible weapon that kills, silences and devours anything that makes noise.
If you have been staying Caffeinated then you know I am a huge fan of Doctor Who and that David Tennant is one of my favorite doctors. I was home sick with a nasty chest cold and feeling quite sorry for myself when the email came in from audible for their daily deal. An exclusive BBC Doctor Who story called Dead Air written by James Gross and narrated by David Tennant. Within seconds, I made my purchase and snuggled in my bed on that cold March morning feeling suddenly chipper at the thought of David telling me a story!
Dead Air begins with a radio dial being tuned. We hear static as it tries to pick up a frequency and then we receive this message;
“Hello, I’m the Doctor, and if you can hear this, then one of us is going to die. If I’m lucky, you’re listening to this on the boat … Of course, if I’m not lucky, you’re listening to this somewhere else, perhaps even at home, in which case it’s too late. It’s already escaped. And it’s the end of the world.”
The Doctor boards Radio Bravo, a pirate radio station in the year 1966. Here he encounters Layla, Tomah, and Jasper the crew who share music illegally. He has tracked the Hush to this very ship. A monster that devours noise leaving only silence in its wake. The Doctor is convinced it is looking to broadcast through the transmitter on board with plans to silence the world. Layla was the most fleshed out of the secondary characters. Much like the show we dive head first into the action and receive information along with the secondary characters. The Doctor was his usual snarky, conceited and of course brilliant self. The narrative is first person from the Doctor’s pov and felt like a story being retold. The tale had clever moments, suspense, humor and a few twists as the Doctor faced his opponent.
David narrated the entire story solo, giving unique voices and accents to the others aboard the ship. I was quickly able to identify each. Tennant spoke in his native accent a wonderful Scottish brogue. I must admit I missed David’s British accent created for the tenth Doctor. Having said that David makes an excellent narrator, and I will be on the lookout for more books narrated by him. The soundtrack came complete with sound effects that added to the suspense. It felt like I was listening to an episode on the television complete with cuts for commercial breaks where we heard the TV show’s soundtrack.
Dead Air was relatively short and gave me a feel of what radio shows must have felt like before the invention of the boob-tube. I will be on the lookout for more Doctor Who audio daily deals.

I’m not a huge audio book fan but I’m so on board with David Tennant telling me a story! Sounds like the perfect cure for a sick day or really just about anything! I love the beginning and I’ll definitely have to give this one a try.
Umm!! So need to get this haha, I’m not usually a fan of audiobooks but I AM a fan of anything Doctor Who!
Michele-A Belle's Tales
This sounds great!! Gahhh, I love the old time radio shows! We pulled up a bunch of audios for my parents the last time they visited, and they were able to re-live their favorite shows from their childhood. So much fun! Hope you’re feeling better <3
This sounds amazing! I’d go for it just to listen to David Tennant (I love him too 😉 ), but the old school radio show-feel sold me on it own. Whovians unite!
Ah Doctor Who… I think I must be one of the only ones who don’t watch the show. Well I saw like 2 episodes, that’s a good start, right? But I confess I don’t like it that much so I don’t think the book is for me. Maybe I need to watch more.
How funny that he narrated in his ‘real’ accent. I miss The Doctor! It needs to come back on already.
Faye D'Social Potato (
Ooooh, this sounds interesting. I think I tried something like this (not for a TV show though) back then. IT was pretty cool. I haven’t tried Doctor Who though so I’ll have to have a go at that 😛
Sounds like a delightful short “listen”! I’m glad you enjoyed it, and how lovely to find it when you were feeling sick — a great little “pick-me-up!” I wonder why he didn’t read it in his Doctor voice, though? That would have made sense… I mean, I’m a sucker for a good Scottish brogue myself, but it just seems odd not to use the character voice when he’s basically reading first person in that character.
Love DT as Doctor Who! Will be checking this one out most definitely 🙂
I’ve never been that into Doc Who, but I know a lot are and say its pretty amazing
Melissa (Books and Things)
Don’t kill me, but I haven’t really seen much Dr. Who. I really need to start catching up since the show seems to be all over now. I would love to try a book with all the sound effects as well. Hm… might have to see if I can get on at the library!
OMG! We both love Doctor Who and Tennant! <3 I have the anniversary books for Ninth, Tenth, and Eleventh, but I haven't read them yet. I can't wait for next season. 😀
Debbie Haupt
I knew you liked these Doctor Who and what a wonderful premise.
Looks like I’ll be taking my prescription
thanks Kimba
I haven’t watched the show, I know gasp. This sounds like a quick fun read though and I woudl be curious to check it out.
How did I not even know this existed? I want to listen to this ASAP! I’m a huge Who/Tennant fan, and I’m excited to hear he uses his Scottish accent too. 🙂
I still need to listen to an audiobook…but I think I’d really love this one. I’m a big Doctor Who fan too, and I think David Tennant would make an excellent narrator. Glad you liked it!
Braine Talk Supe
I’ve seen the first few episodes of DW but didn’t really get into it but I love DTEnnant! He is a great actor and he has a distinct voice too.
I’ve only watched one or two Doctor Who episodes and my husband wasn’t a fan so I never watched more. But I think I might like it on audio more. The episodes I saw kind of freaked me out, so it might be a bit much for me but on audio it might not be so bad.
I used to watch this as a teen, but it has been so long since 😉 not sure I would like to pick it back up. But glad you liked it, and it made you feel a little bit better.
I love the Doctor Who audiobooks – especially when David narrates them. They’re just so much fun and a good way to pass the time while we wait for more episodes.
Terri M. LeBlanc (Second Run Reviews)
I came across some of the older shows that had been recorded on CD. I’ll have to give them a shot. I’ve heard good things about the Doctor Who recordings and my commute is short so this would be something I could listen to that isn’t filled with commercials.
I haven’t tried the audio adventures before – but I’ve read about 20 books in the New Series adventures (finished Eccleston, halfway through Tennant – past Rose, almost to Donna). Having read your review now, I think I might go for an audio adventure next time. Thanks!
God, I’d listen to that just for his accent. I get weak in the knees for a Scottish brogue. *wobbles*
I have never seen Doctor Who. *hangs head in shame* BUT!!! To my credit, I have watched Torchwood, so that counts for something right? Right?! Glad this audio was so fantastic and made you feel better when you were sick! Love when a book does that:)
I like that this audiobook has that old school radio show feel to it, and the fact that it’s only a little over one hour in length definitely works in its favour as well. Thanks for the heads up about Dr. Who daily deals!
Glad this one helped make your day brighter, it sounds like it was a fun read.
I’m personally not a huge fan of audiobooks, but this could be something I would want to read because it has sound effects! I can see how that would make for listening to this book an exciting read.
I’m glad you liked this, Kim! Lovely review! 🙂
I’d rather watch it though
Red Iza
I’ve never listened to audiobooks in English before – just excerpts of Jim Butcher’s novels read by James Marsters.
Just checked, there are plenty of those on Youtube, I’ll give it a try see if it’s worth buying – AND I’ve just learned by Dr Who loves Asterix the Gaul, which is a huge surprise for me ! Thanks for the review, I didn’t know those existed, yay for more David Tennant !!