Deception Cove is the second book in the Rainshadow trilogy and the tenth in the Harmony series. While it isn’t necessary to read them in order, I recommend you at least read the trilogies in order. Jayne Castle is a pseudonym for Jayne Ann Krentz and all of her stories take place in the future, in a world called Harmony. I love this strange world, especially the dust bunnies that dwell there. Three word review: suspenseful, romantic and entertaining.

The Shining by Stephen King
The first time I read The Shining was back in junior high and it terrified me. I didn’t even have the image of Jack Nicholson’s evil smile yet implanted in my head. The king of horror never ceases to amaze me, even the second time around. This time rereading it in my *coughs * forties *coughs* I got to fully appreciate King’s talent at fleshing out his characters. Filled with subtle horror, madness and a hotel that manifests and takes on a life of its own, this tale gave me all the creepy goodness only King can deliver.
Fourth Grave Beneath My Feet by Darynda Jones
I was tickled pink to receive an advanced copy of Fourth Grave Beneath my Feet. As soon as I receive a new book in the series, I lock myself away and consume it. My family is often startled at my sudden outburst of laughter, giggles and rants about Reyes and Charley. When I finish, I walk around in a state of depression, thinking about how long I have to wait till the next book is released. *sigh* That is until someone flashes a shiny book cover in front of me (I get easily distracted).
The Restorer by Amanda Stevens
I read a review on a blog about The Restorer and immediately downloaded it for my nook. Sadly I cannot remember who reviewed it, but thank you so much! I love crime mysteries and when you wrap it in a little paranormal woo-woo I begin to drool. Amanda Stevens delivered a beautiful, dark, chilling mystery with a side of sexual tension. I quickly became swept up in this tale, the characters and the crime. The opening sentence “I was nine when I saw my first ghost.” grabbed me and the tale kept me enthralled.
Unforeseen by Lauren Grimley
Today I am delighted to have Lauren Grimley author of the paranormal novel Unforeseen here on the blog! She is going to talk about the challenges and fun a writer experiences when changing the mythology of paranormal creatures in their novels. Please make her feel welcome, check out her novel…