Vipers Run by Stephanie Tyler

July 4th, 2014 Kimberly Review 40 Comments

4th Jul
Vipers Run by Stephanie Tyler

I am always game to try a new genre. When I saw the cover and read the synopsis for Vipers Run, I decided try it. Vipers Run is the first in the Skulls Creek series by Stephanie Tyler. Vipers Run offered former Army Rangers, motorcycles and promised danger. While I enjoyed Vipers Run, you have to suspend belief a little and just enjoy the ride.

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The Hollow Ground by Natalie S. Harnett

July 3rd, 2014 Kimberly Review 50 Comments

3rd Jul
The Hollow Ground by Natalie S. Harnett

I grew up in South Jersey and as a young teen traveled with my maternal grandparents to central Pennsylvania for the day. There we toured an abandoned coalmine. We rode inside the tunnels on old coal cars draped in thick miner coats and helmets. We learned about working in the mines from the working conditions to the ailments workers suffered. We then visited abandon towns with boarded up windows and overgrown lawns.; viewed fields where smoke and sulfur gases rose from the ground licked by flames. It was dark, sad and oddly eerie. On the car ride home, I imagined what people in those towns must have experienced. Where did they go? Why did some choose to stay? It was one of those memories that stayed with me. When I was approached to review the audio version of The Hollow Ground by Natalie S. Harnett and realized, the story was about a family in this ravaged area I immediately accepted. The Hollow Ground was a poignant tale of heartache, growth and the ties that bind us.

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Intoxicated by Monica Murphy

June 28th, 2014 Kimberly Review 40 Comments

28th Jun
Intoxicated by Monica Murphy

Welcome to Coffee Pot Reviews! These are short and sweet reviews done in the length of time it takes my coffee pot to brew! Today I am sharing Intoxicated a novella in the Billionaire Bachelor Club series by Monica Murphy. This one is clearly for the fans giving us more of our favorite couples and sharing what happen with the bet. Did the winner collect?

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Five Ways to Fall by K.A. Tucker

June 26th, 2014 Kimberly Review 72 Comments

26th Jun
Five Ways to Fall by K.A. Tucker

I have been enjoying the Ten Tiny Breaths series by K.A. Tucker and excited to read bouncer Ben’s story. Admittedly the synopsis of Five Ways to Fall made me a tad nervous but I should not have been. This turned out to be one of my favorite books in the series. Filled with emotion, humor and family I quickly became caught-up in Ben and Reese’s story.

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