The Book of Life by Deborah Harkness

July 15th, 2014 Kimberly Review 123 Comments

15th Jul
The Book of Life by Deborah Harkness

The All Souls Trilogy by Deborah Harkness has been an absolute favorite. Matthew and Diana’s love affair and quest to find Ashmole 782 has taken us all over the globe from present day and to the past. It shares a passionate romance to rock the ages and a quest filled with danger, magic and lose. I have laughed, swooned, pounded my fists and wept. As I embarked on my journey with The Book of Life, I did so hesitantly and hoped Harkness would protect my heart. I needed have worried my final visit with the Clairmont’s, and Diana Bishop was everything I hoped for and more.

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Scandalize Me by Caitlin Crews

July 14th, 2014 Kimberly Review 64 Comments

14th Jul
Scandalize Me by Caitlin Crews

Scandalize Me by Caitlin Crews is the second book in the Fifth Avenue Trilogy. Each book in the trilogy is written by a different author and features one of three friends. Austin, Hunter and Alex are working together to seek revenge against the man who ruined their lives ten years before. In Avenge Me, Austin began phase one of taking down Jason Treffen, his own father. In Scandalize Me, Hunter Talbot Grant III plans to ensure his financial ruin. The tale was captivating as Hunter tangles with Zoe Brook; a PR Agent determined to destroy Jason as well.

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Something Sweeter by Candis Terry

July 11th, 2014 Kimberly Review 57 Comments

11th Jul
Something Sweeter by Candis Terry

It was fun returning to the small-town of Sweet, Texas in Candis Terry’s third book Something Sweeter. We met veterinarian and former Marine Jesse Wilder in the previous two novels and I could not wait for his story. Fans of small-towns, families and sweet romances will adore the Sweet, Texas series and the Wilder brothers.

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Come to Me Softly by A.L. Jackson

July 10th, 2014 Kimberly Review 53 Comments

10th Jul
Come to Me Softly by A.L. Jackson

Earlier this year I consumed Closer to You by A. L. Jackson and fell hard for her characters. It was a beautiful, turbulent start to Jared Holt and Aly Moore’s relationship. I was anxious to see how things developed in Come to Me Softly. I was worried it would be drama filled, but Jackson gave her characters depth and allowed them to grow. I quickly became lost within the pages of Come to Me Softly. I laughed, felt their pain and shared in their joy. Beautifully written, I highly recommend the Closer to You series.

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Close Your Eyes, Hold Hands by Chris Bohjalian

July 7th, 2014 Kimberly Review 80 Comments

7th Jul
Close Your Eyes, Hold Hands by Chris Bohjalian

I first discovered Chris Bohjalian in 2011 when I read and loved his suspense thriller, The Night Strangers. Since then I have read two of his historical fictions The Sandcastle Girls and The Light in the Ruins. Each story is vastly different, beautiful, captivating and memorable. It seems no matter what story Bohjalian tells it is destined to entwine itself into my memory.

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