Proxy by Alex London

June 18th, 2013 Kimberly Review 40 Comments

18th Jun
Proxy by Alex London

Alex London presents us with a futuristic world where everything is digital. Proxy, his debut novel is the first book in a promising new series. I found both the characters and world-building to be captivating as I read this action-packed tale. Three world review: thriller, captivating, page-turner.

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Fate’s Mirror by M.H. Mead

December 6th, 2012 Kimberly Review 35 Comments

6th Dec
Fate’s Mirror by M.H. Mead

Earlier this year I read M.H. Mead’s novel The Caline Conspiracy and commented on how cool I thought Morris the hacker was and that I’d love to read more about him. The author gifted me Fate’s Mirror and I finally got his story. Filled with conspiracy, a little romance and some cool sci-fi that had me questioning humanity this was a fun read for me.

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The Caline Conspiracy by M.H. Mead

May 30th, 2012 Kimberly Review 7 Comments

30th May
The Caline Conspiracy by M.H. Mead

The Caline Conspiracy by M.H. Mead is a science fiction novel, set in the not so distant future of Detroit. Mead spins an intriguing tale of suspense and mystery as her protagonist, PI Aidra Scott, sets out to prove a genetically created pet is innocent of a vicious crime. She captured my attention from the first few pages and I consumed this in one evening.

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Starters by Lissa Price

January 31st, 2012 Kimberly Review 0 Comments

31st Jan
Starters by Lissa Price

When I saw the cover and read the synopsis I was immediately intrigued by Starters. I have a real love for dystopias and post-apocalyptic novels. Starters is the debut novel of Lissa Price and the exciting start of a new series. The world-building and story are fascinating. Parts of the tale, had a disturbing ring of truth to them. This novel quickly captured my attention and I breezed through it in a single day.

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Cinder by Marissa Meyer

January 16th, 2012 Kimberly Review 0 Comments

16th Jan
Cinder by Marissa Meyer

Cinder is Marissa Meyer’s debut novel, and in this readers opinion she knocked the ball out of the park for a Grand Slam home run. Cinder offers a futuristic, steampunk re-telling of the fairytale Cinderella. The world-building is magical with amazing characters and a plot that has endless possibilities. Meyer’s writing style is lovely and the tale was beautifully written. While some of the tale is very predictable Meyer’s creates a storyline and world that are both unique and fascinating.

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