Death & the Gravedigger’s Angel by Loretta Ross is the fourth audio in the Auction Block Mystery series featuring Wren Morgan an auctioneer and Death Bogart, a private investigator. A clever mystery, plenty of action and delightfully realistic characters made Death & the Gravedigger’s Angel an addictive listen.
Halloween in Paradise by Kathi Daley
Please welcome Sophia Rose as she shares a cozy audio, Halloween in Paradise written by Kathi Daley and narrated by Coleen Mario. Grab a cup of witches brew and check out this mystery.
Death & the Brewmaster’s Widow by Loretta Ross
DEATH & THE BREWMASTER’S WIDOW by Loretta Ross is the second novel in the Auction Block Mystery series. Once again I chose to listen to the narrations of Amanda Ronconi. Suspenseful with action, danger, and the unthinkable “whodunit.”
Death and the Redheaded Woman by Loretta Ross
DEATH AND THE REDHEADED WOMAN by Loretta Ross is the first audio in the Auction Block Mystery series. I was in the mood for a cozy and read a review of a second book in the series and decided to begin them. I am so glad that I did. Refreshing, suspenseful and full of surprises.
Grounds to Kill by Wendy Roberts
Grounds to Kill by Wendy Roberts has been in my TBR pile forever. How could I resist a cozy mystery with a coffee theme? Grounds to Kill is the first book in the Latte, Espresso, Cappuccino & Murder Mystery series featuring Barista Jen Hanby. Entertaining with a light swish of paranormal Roberts delivered a solid murder mystery with banter, suspense and coffee!!!