Despite trepidation over the subject matter, last year I read and enjoyed Tracey Garvis-Graves’ novel On the Island. I enjoyed it so much that I bought several copies for friends and family as holiday gifts. Imagine my delight when they enjoyed it as much as I did. As a result Covet was one of my most anticipated releases in 2013. I approached it with both excitement and nervousness, as once again Graves touches on a taboo subject. It focuses on relationships and dealing with stressful situations that test the sanctity of marriage. While boundaries are pushed it is important to note that no actual physical cheating occurred. Graves has become a must read author, whose talent at capturing human emotion is breathtaking. Four word review: honest, captivating, heartbreaking and beautiful.
Coffee Pot Reviews: Uncharted by Tracey Garvis-Graves & Until Fountain Bridge by Samantha Young
4th Jul
Welcome to Coffee Pot Reviews! These are short and sweet reviews done in the length of time it takes my coffee pot to brew! I have two novellas to share with you today both from authors I love. Adult books contain mature content and are not intended for readers under 18 years of age. Grab a cup of coffee and a slice of coffee cake!
On the Island by Tracey Garvis-Graves
3rd Sep
I was approached by the publisher to review On the Island and did not really know much about it, but the synopsis intrigued me. I can definitely understand why this made the New York Times bestseller’s list. Tracey Garvis-Graves delivers a powerful, taboo romance that will have you rethinking age old opinions. I was completely captivated from page one and consumed this in a single evening.