Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins

April 1st, 2012 Kimberly Review 0 Comments

1st Apr
Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins

Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins is the second book in the Hunger Games trilogy. Last month I read the Hunger Games, and despite rave reviews I wondered if Catching Fire could live up to the greatness that book one delivered. Often book two in a trilogy isn’t as strong as book one and three. I am absolutely tickled pink to state that despite a slow beginning it was amazing

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The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

February 8th, 2012 Kimberly Review 0 Comments

8th Feb
The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins is a captivating dystopian novel that literally blew me away. It takes place in the nation of Panem, a shining Capitol surrounded by twelve outlying districts. Here Collins introduces us to wonderful characters and a governing body that does unspeakable things to its districts children. Each year two children (one boy and one girl) between the ages of twelve and eighteen are chosen from each district to be participants in the Hunger Games; a nationally televised fight to the death. Collins tale offers; action, loyalty, romance and a brilliant tale of humanity, death, hope and human’s ability to endure.

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