The Reluctant by C.S. Splitter is the first book in the Crayder Chronicles. This adult-fiction offers suspense, mystery and murder delivered with a touch of humor. I enjoyed this easy flowing read and finished it in just a few hours. It isn’t often that I read a book from a male point of view and I found it to be refreshing.
Pandemonium by Lauren Oliver
Pandemonium is book two in Lauren Oliver’s trilogy Delirium. Having recently finished book one, I was anxious to get my hands on this novel. Oliver delivered with Pandemonium and left me yet again craving more. She took me on an intense ride that had my palms sweating and my heart racing.
Article 5 by Kristen Simmons
Kristen Simmons debut novel Article 5 blew me away. Set in the United States this post apocalyptic dystopia was gripping and the romance bittersweet. I consumed this book in a few hours and it left me wanting more, wrought with emotion and completely convinced I could never be compliant.
The Gathering Storm by Robin Bridges
The Gathering Storm is the debut novel of Robin Bridges and the first in her Katerina Trilogy. Bridges’ paranormal novel delivers, from the historical aspects of Russia to the supernatural. This was a delightful tale of vampires, fairies, werewolves, witches, necromancers and other supernatural creatures. A combination of Russian history and folklore make this an exciting, addictive read.
A Perfect Blood by Kim Harrison
Like many Hollows fans I pre-ordered A Perfect Blood and was counting down the days till its release. I was anxious to get my hands on it and stayed up Monday night just to download it promptly at 12:01. I just wanted to read a few pages; such was my anticipation. It took me three sessions to complete this novel, as the gods and life worked against me. Now that I’ve finished, I am glad because I had a chance to savor it. Now I find myself, stuck right back where I was on Monday…waiting for the next Hollows release..sheesh. A Perfect Blood, had a blended feel of earlier novels and newer ones as Rachel dealt with being a demon and spent much of the novel with limited powers. As always I loved my trip back to the Hollows.