RED FOX by Karina Halle is the second novel in the Experiment in Terror series. Jo Raylan continues to narrate and I am happy to report RED FOX was a stronger, creeper tale than its predecessor. Myths, supernatural occurrences, awkward moments and Perry’s rambling mind made for a page-turning listen.
Until It Fades by K.A. Tucker
UNTIL IT FADES by K. A. Tucker was a delightful, romantic and touching tale of overcoming one’s past and finding a slice of happy. With mentions of my beloved FLYERS, and Pennsylvania setting I quickly slipped into this story and connected with Catherine.
The Day of the Duchess by Sarah MacLean
THE DAY OF THE DUCHESS by Sarah MacLean is the third book in the Scandal & Scoundrel series. Grab some wine and tissues because MacLean outdoes herself and delivered a swoon-worthy second chance romance that held me in its grip.
Protected by Love by Jennifer Ryan
PROTECTED BY LOVE is a novella that kicks off the Montana Heat series by Jennifer Ryan. Filled with nonstop danger and undeniable heat Ryan offered up a page-turning romantic suspense. While it suffered from its length, I am excited to dive into book one.
The Daughter of Sherlock Holmes by Leonard Goldberg
Today Sophia Rose is visiting with a review of THE DAUGHTER OF SHERLOCK HOLMES a light historical mystery. Grab a cup of your favorite caffeinated beverage and check out Sophia’s thoughts.