MONSTER IN YOUR CLOSET by Karen Rose is part of her Romantic Suspense series and features the FBI team in Baltimore. I’ve read and enjoyed Rose’s detailed and suspenseful tales so I am excited to see what Sophia Rose has to say about her newest book. Grab a cuppa and check out her review.
The Daughter of Sherlock Holmes by Leonard Goldberg
Today Sophia Rose is visiting with a review of THE DAUGHTER OF SHERLOCK HOLMES a light historical mystery. Grab a cup of your favorite caffeinated beverage and check out Sophia’s thoughts.
The Collapsing Empire by John Scalzi
Today I have Sophia Rose on the blog to share her review of THE COLLAPSING EMPIRE by John Scalzi. This is a fantastic listen narrated by Wil Wheaton. Now grab a cup of your favorite caffeinated beverage and enjoy Sophia’s take on it….
Where The Dead Lie by C.S. Harris
Please welcome Sophia Rose to the blog today. She is here to share a review of WHERE THE DEAD LIE by C.S. Harris. This is a cunning historical mystery that will transport you to 1839 London. Grab a cup of your favorite caffeinated beverage and enjoy!
The Lilac Bouquet by Carolyn Brown
Today, Sophia Rose is stopping by to share her thoughts on THE LILAC BOUQUET by Carolyn Brown. Come meet Emmy Jo Massey as she uncovers a secret that forever changes how she sees her past and her future…