The Sunday Post is a blog news meme hosted here @ Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on your blog for the week ahead. Join in weekly, bi-weekly or for a monthly wrap up. See rules here: Sunday Post Meme
I haven’t been able to read all week. The words sort of swim on the pages thanks to this confounded virus/sinus infection. Multiple Covid tests & flu test confirm its viral funk and could take a few weeks to clear out completely. I haven’t watched Hazel in a week, but the older grandchildren, aka the Royals, have come after school. They have been lovely, entertaining themselves while I rest on the couch. Nights are horrible as sinus drip and coughing keeps me up. I’ve managed a few hours working each day and then spend about an hour each night writing needed reviews. I apologize for not visiting everyone. On a positive note, Sophia will be NINE this week. My goodness, it seems like only yesterday that I told you I was going to be a grandmother and now…. they grow up so fast! Stay Caffeinated.
Last Week on the Blog
- Holmes, Miss Marple Poe Investigations By James Patterson & Brian Sitts (audio review)
- The Bright Spot By Jill Shalvis (book review)
- The Spanish Diplomat’s Secret By Nev March (book review/guest post)
- Lies Are Forever By C. Jean Downer (book review)
- The Fearless One By Lori Foster (book review)
This Week on the Blog
- Hemlock By Kiersten Modglin (audio review)
- Ghost Money By Stephen Blackmoore (audio review)
- Courting Miss Emma By Linda Broday (book review/guest post)
- Just Witched By Dakota Cassidy (audio review)
New Arrivals at the Caffeinated Cafe

Learn more:
- Catchpenny by Charlie Huston
- Through the Door by T.L. Brown
- Mind Games by Nora Roberts
A special thanks to Vintage, T.L. Brown & St. Martin Press
Around The Blogosphere
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Rolé @ Hooked By That Book
Oh no! I hope you feel better soon and back to normal.
hoping you feel better soon, and in time for Sophia’s birthday.. I have Catchpenny and Mind Games on my radar too so hope to get to them sooner than later
Diana @ Book of Secrets
I’m sorry you’ve been so sick. Viruses that linger are the worst. I hope you’re on the mend very soon. I can’t believe Sophia will be nine this week! I remember when you announced that your first grandbaby was on the way, and now she’s almost double digits! Happy birthday to her. ♥
Jen Twimom
I hope you are feeling better soon! Sinus / drainage is so tough. I know a lot of folks like you who are dealing with crud that isn’t anything else. *gentle hugs*
I hope you feel better soon!
Oh no! Hope you feel better soon!
Jenni Elyse
I’m so sorry you’ve been so sick. Viral sinus infections are the worst! I hope it clears up quickly and you can get back to your normal routine and activities!
Deanne @ Vegan Book Blogger
Sorry to hear you’re still feeling rough. It’s not easy I know.
Mary Kirkland
I sure hope you get to feeling better.
Angela (Angel's Book Nook)
That’s how I rang in the new year. Sick for a few weeks and still have it, but better. I couldn’t do anything but bing TV. Reading was a no go. Hope you feel better.
Jamie @ The Fantasy Princess
Hope you feel better soon and have a great week!
Anne - Books of My Heart
I am so so sorry this is happening. My best advice is drink lots of fluids and rest as much as you can. When I’m coughing at night I either have to kind of sit up while sleeping a bit so that it drains more or keep a cough drop in my mouth while I sleep. I hope you get a break soon!
Lark @ The Bookwyrm's Hoard
Your virus sounds miserable, and I’m so sorry you’re suffering. I hope it clears up soon. But how lovely that the older Royals are able to entertain themselves and be sensitive to your health needs. Hard to believe Sophia is nearly nine; I remember your announcement of impending grandmotherhood!
Sophia Rose
Viral funk sounds dreary. Yay for Sophia turning nine.
Wishing you well, Kimberly!
Emma @ Words And Peace
So sorry to hear you are going through this. I had it a couple of weeks ago. Same thing, could not read. When we, book bloggers, cannot read, it means we are REALLY sick!! Mine was just nose running crazy and fatigue, no covid nor flu, but enough to be quite miserable. And this thing lasts too long!
I hope you can recover quickly
Cindy's Book Corner
I am so sorry you have been sick again! I hope you are feeling better soon. Yay for the Royals being able to fend for themselves while you rest. I hope this week is MUCH better for you.
I’m so sorry you’ve been sick. I hope you feel better very soon. 🙂
Sounds rough; I’ve just come out of some virus myself – fever, coughing, headaches, runny nose, no energy – mostly better now but it’s a lingerer. Hope you see the other side soon.
Lover of Romance
I am so sorry to hear your feeling poorly. I have had this sinus cold since Christmas, I am not sure if its just my allergies or if I have been sick. I have had covid a few times and I know its not that because its definitely different. I might have to see a doctor though because if I don’t get better soon I am going to scream hahaha
Children do grow up so SO fast right? Hope you have a better week and can get some reading in!
Jan Farnworth
Hope ya feel better soon. I linked up for the first time today, hopefully i can stick with it. I gonna hop around check out the other posts.
I hope you feel better soon. Post-nasal drip is definitely the worst, especially when you’re trying to sleep. Happy 9th birthday to your granddaughter!
sherry fundin
Hope you feel better soon. Time goes so fast, glad you are able to spend so much time with the grandkids.
Lillian @ Mom with a Reading Problem
Hope you feel better soon! This respiratory virus that’s been going around is the worst. I remember when you announced Sophia’s arrival. Happy 9th to her!
Victoria Hamel
Oh my goodness, I hope you take a turn for the better this week. Post-nasal drip causing sleepless nights is the worst!
Oh I hope this viral infection clears out soon! Aren’t audiobooks neither an option?
My Sunday Post: https://laurieisreading.com/2024/01/21/the-sunday-post-january-21-2024/
Shelleyrae @ Book’d Out
I’m sorry you are so ill Kimberley, I hope there is improvement this week.
Wishing you a wonderful reading week
Jessica @ a GREAT read
Oh no! Sorry to hear you’re still sick! I hope this virus leaves sooner rather than later! And oh my goodness, the first Royal is going to be nine?! I do remember you telling us when you were going to be a grandmother! My how time flies! Wishing her an early Happy Birthday!
Nice new reads! Those are all totally new to me ones but I hope you enjoy them all once you get to read them! Take it easy and sending you all the healthy vibes!
Here’s my StS
Have a GREAT day!
Old Follower 🙂
Deb Nance at Readerbuzz
I’m so sorry that you are sick! Rest when you can!
You certainly have been suffering with that sinus infection a long time – I’m sorry it hasn’t resolved yet. I’m hoping that you feel more like yourself very soon. Take care.
I hope you feel better soon, Kimberly. Rest as much as you can 😊
A Voracious Reader
Oh no! I hope you get better soon! I’ll wing some {{{posivibes}}} to you. 9 already?! That can’t be right?! *counts on fingers* Wow! Happy early Birthday, Sophia!
Lisa Mandina (Lisa Loves Literature)
Ugh, so sorry you’re so sick! That is no fun! I had a bit of sinus congestion Friday night, but it seems to mostly be gone now. Waiting for some warmer temps this week here, after one more round of snow and ice this time after midnight tonight. Wondering if we’ll get school canceled tomorrow as they’re predicting the mess to be during the morning commute. Hope you get to feeling better this week!
I’m so sorry you’re not feeling well.
Tanya @ Girl Plus Books
Sorry to hear you’re down hard with a virus, Kimberly. That’s so miserable. I had three bouts with random viruses last year (none were Covid or flu) and each time I was down for the count. Sending you healing thoughts!
I am so sorry that you are so poorly Kimberly! Don’t fret about not visiting blogs, just rest and get better!
Aww, that’s awful! I hope you feel better soon. Take good care of yourself.
I think I read one of Jennifer Ashley’s books, I’ll have to check.
Rachel @Waves of Fiction
Oh, wow! You sound miserable, Kimberly! I hope you get some rest and feel better!
I was offered Mind Games too and I’m so excited I’ll download it soon.
That sounds like a really bad viral funk for sure. I hope you feel better soon and can read again!
Ugh! I’m sorry to hear you as sick. Hope you get over whatever the gunk is quickly.
Tessa @TessaTalksBooks
Hope you feel better soon and enjoy your oldest granddaughters birthday!
I am so sorry you are sick. I hope it passes quickly so you can enjoy those grands especially Sophia’s birthday. (((Hugs)))
Laurel-Rain Snow
Oh, I hope you feel better soon! You’ve really been under the weather this season. Enjoy what you can…and it is amazing that your oldest grandchild is now nine!
I’m sorry you’re not feeling well – hopefully you start to feel better this week.
Yvonne @ Socrates Book Reviews
I’m so sorry to hear you’ve been sick. How awful. I hope you are doing better each day.
Haze @ The Book Haze
I’m so sorry you are feeling unwell. Sinus infections are the worst. I hope you get well soon!