The Sunday Post is a blog news meme hosted here @ Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on your blog for the week ahead. Join in weekly, bi-weekly or for a monthly wrap up. See rules here: Sunday Post Meme
Today is my husband’s company day at Vala’s Pumpkin Patch. We will spend the day with the Royals and their parents. It’s a fun day without the crowds (closed to the public still) and the weather promises to be lovely. After the reaction I had to new meds last weekend, I am looking forward to some fun. I am making progress with the backlog of reviews, but keeping adding more. Stay Caffeinated.
Last Week on the Blog
- Ruby Fever By Ilona Andrews (book review)
- Soul Taken By Patricia Briggs (book review)
- Give Up the Ghost By Angie Fox (book review, guest post)
- Heartbreaker By Sarah MacLean (book review)
- The Witches of Moonshyne Manor by Bianca Marais (book review)
This Week on the Blog
A Broken Blade By Melissa Blair (audio review)
Love On The Brain By Ali Hazelwood (audio review)
The Graveside Bar And Grill By Darynda Jones (audio review)
Black Wings, Gray Skies By Hailey Edwards (audio review)
- Fraterfest 2022 Readathon Sign-Up (event)
New Arrivals at the Caffeinated Cafe

Learn more:
- Before the Storm by Eric Carter
- Wayward by Chuck Wendig
- The Backup Plan by Jill Shalvis
- Murder at Haven’s Rock by Kelley Armstrong
Special thanks to Gary Bennett, Random House, Avon Romance Books
Around The Blogosphere
- Save the Date: Fraterfest 2022 Readathon October 14th-24th
- Save the Date: 2022 #HoHoHoRAT Readathon November 18-30th
- Save the Date: Thankful for Books Week Hop November 21-28th
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Before you link up: Please be sure your weekly post includes a link back to Caffeinated Reviewer and the Sunday Post

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I’m running behind this week!
I hope the pumpkin patch was fun!
I hope the day at the pumpkin patch was enjoyable – it sounds like great fun:)). I hope you are feeling better and the coming week allows you to get on top more reviews, Kimberly.
S. J. Pajonas
Have a great time with your family!!
That sounds like a lovely day! I’m very much ready for cooler temps. We have rain forecasted all week, and I can’t wait!
hope you had a wonderful time at the company day… and I do enjoy reading Jill Shalvis so will look for this book.. I have been away from blogging and interacting with other bloggers for way too long (or so it seems)..but hopefully back (for now)
Hope you had fun at the pumpkin patch.
I can relate to the backlog of reviews.
Stay healthy and Happy Reading!
Victoria Hamel
Pumpkin Patch time! I love it! I hope you had a really fun time!
Carole @ Carole's Random Life
I hope that you had fun at the pumpkin patch. I am really excited to read the new Kelley Armstrong and Jill Shalvis books!
Hope you had a great time at the pumpkin patch!
Jennifer | Book Den
I hope you all had a great day at the pumpkin patch. That sounds wonderful.
Anne - Books of My Heart
I hope the Pumpkin Patch is nice and not too hot. It’s heating up again here for a bit, at least with a north wind some days but less rain. yes even when I’m reading well those reviews keep coming as I keep finishing books.
Sophia Rose
Bummer about reacting to the meds, but yay for getting a dint in your review backlog. The pumpkin patch day sounds fun. Woohoo for getting the Murder at Haven’s Rock.
Mary Kirkland
I hope you all have a good time.
Have fun pumpkin patching
I hope you have a wonderful day at the pumpkin patch and a wonderful week too!
Lover of Romance
I hope you are feeling better now that your body has been able to new meds. I am looking forward to your review of the latest Ali Hazlewood though.
Hope you have a fun week!
Lisa Mandina (Lisa Loves Literature)
The Pumpkin Patch sounds fun! When I was younger, my dad’s company used to have similar things where the local theme park, Worlds of Fun, would just be open for his company. I know lots of companies would do that in the spring or fall before the park opened full time for the season. Have a nice day and hope you’re over those side effects!
Stephanie @ Once Upon a Chapter
Have fun at the Pumpkin Patch! I hope your reaction has subsided. Medical reactions are usually pretty scary. Hugs!!
Your trip to the pumpkin patch sounds like a lot of fun! I’ll be spending some time today catching up with reviews as well. Have a great week, Kimberly
Lark @ The Bookwyrm's Hoard
The pumpkin patch sounds like fun! And I see you got the new Jill Shalvis — I’m sure it will be good! Best of luck with your backlog (she says, groaning under the weight of her own.) And have a lovely week!
Have fun at the Pumpkin Patch Kimberly! And I see that you wrote many reviews!!!
Erin @ Cracker Crumb Life
Have fun!!
Tanya @ Girl Plus Books
Sounds like a fun family day, Kimberly. I hope you have beautiful weather for it.
It sounds like your medication change has been nasty – I’m sorry for that and hope that things settle down for you. A wonderful haul! I can’t wait to read your thoughts on Jill Shalvis’ newest book. Have a great week ahead Kimberly.
I hope you all have a fun day at the pumpkin patch!
Rachel @Waves of Fiction
Oooh, a new Kelley Armstrong mystery?! I’ll be checking that out!
A family day at the pumpkin patch sounds fun! Enjoy, Kimberly!
Pumpkin Patch sounds like fun.
A pumpkin patch makes me wish for cooler weather! Especially with the heatwave, we’re getting this week.
Jessica @ a GREAT read
The day at the pumpkin patch sounds like fun! That’s nice that his company rents out the whole place! Hope your new medicine works better for you!
Nice new reads! I’m excited for Kelley’s new series! I am so behind on so many of her other books! Hope you enjoy all the new reads!
Here’s my StS
Have a day!
Old Follower
A Voracious Reader
It’s Pumpkin Patch time already?! Where did the year go?! I hope everyone has fun!
sherry fundin
I keep saying I am going to hold off on more review books, but, like you, I can’t help myself. LOL Have a super week and enjoy your day out. Sounds like a good time.
Pumpkin Patch sounds fun!! Hope you have a great time and forget about the backlog of reviews for a while. The new arrivals look promising. I am particularly interested in knowing more about The Backup Plan by Jill Shalvis
Deb Nance at Readerbuzz
I hope you have a great time at the pumpkin patch. I’m sorry to hear about your reaction to the new meds. Hopefully, the doctors can get things right soon.
Mareli @ Elza Reads
I hope you had a fun family day!
Every month I try to keep my calendar as clear as possible to start making time for my own books that I still want to read. But before you know it, it’s filled up. And I’m still behind as well…!!
Good luck with all your reviews and have fun reading!
Louise Hallett
Enjoy your day out and happy reading.
Emily @Budget Tales Book Blog
I hope that you have a great time. No crowds sounds great! I am glad that you are feeling better.
Have a great weekend!
Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
I got Wayward last week. Hope we both enjoy it. I can’t wait to delve in. Have a wonderful week!
Taylor @ Taylor Fenner’s Bookish World
I hope you have a great time at Vala’s Pumpkin Patch! It sounds fun!
Laurel-Rain Snow
Wow, the Pumpkin Patch season is here! How time flies.
Enjoy your reading, reviewing, and hanging out.
Enjoy your day at the pumpkin patch! It sounds like lots of fun. Have a wonderful week and enjoy your reading.
Hope you’ve had a great time at the pumpkin patch!
Hope you guys had a great time. a pumpkin patch sounds like fun, and I’m honestly ready for all the autumn stuff.
I need to check out that Kelley Armstrong- and get caught up on the Rockton books!
Yvonne @ Socrates Book Reviews
Hope you all have a fun Sunday!
Kelly Lyn @ Lifestyle of Me
pumpkin patch equals fun