Sunday Post #523 Happy Mother’s Day

May 8th, 2022 Kimberly Sunday Post 39 Comments

8th May
Sunday Post

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This week I had my base-line colonoscopy. This is typically done in your early 50s to check for polyps which are removed to prevent cancer. Thankfully I had none, but was shocked to discover I have Crohn’s disease. My father had it, but I didn’t feel like I had any of his symptom. It can be genetic, but typically appears on the male side of the family. Lots of follow-up test and appointments are scheduled. It rained all week and was seasonably cold, but Saturday was beautiful. Too bad I spent it doing laundry, cleaning and grocery shopping. We need the rain, but I look forward to more sun. It’s Mother’s Day in the US and tomorrow is Mr. Caffeinated’s birthday. Now go schedule preventive screenings and call your mum. Elbow hugs! Stay Caffeinated.

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  • 🎧 Heroic Hearts Anthology (audio review)
  • The Best Of Me By Sharon Sala (guest post, book review)
  • 🎧 The Devil You Know By Kit Rocha (audio review)
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About Kimberly
Kimberly is a coffee loving book addict who reads and listens to fictional stories in all genres. Whovian, Ravenclaw, Howler and proud Nonna. She owns and manages Caffeinated PR. The coffee is always on and she is ready to chat. Twitter | Facebook | Instagram

39 Responses to “Sunday Post #523 Happy Mother’s Day”

  1. Katherine

    So glad the colonoscopy results came back good though that’s crazy about the Crohn’s Disease diagnosis. Definitely better to know but I imagine quite a bit startling. Hope you had a happy Mother’s Day and Mr. Caffeinated had a happy birthday!

  2. MarthaE

    Sorry to hear about the diagnosis but it would seem good that they discovered it and you can get proper treatment.
    I hope you had a nice Mother’s Day.
    Happy Reading!

  3. Bonnie

    Sorry to hear about your diagnosis, but it’s better to know, so I’m glad you found out.

  4. Sophia Rose

    Glad you didn’t have the polyps, but man, Crohn’s. Good that you found that out now. LOL, you were really hopping on Saturday. We had a lot of rain last week, but our Saturday was nice. Enjoy your mother’s day, Kimberly!

  5. Mareli Thalwitzer

    Hi Kimberly, I’ll have to look up Crohns disease, not sure what it is. But I do hope it’s nothing serious and that you will be okay…

    Good luck for your week ahead!

    Mareli Thalwitzer recently posted: The Sunday Post #71
  6. Sophie

    Oh no you have Crohn disease? I hope it will be manageable but it seems that with your dad suffering from it you are already familiar with the disease. Anyway, hugs and happy birthday to Mr Caffeinated!

  7. Rachel @Waves of Fiction

    Glad to hear you didn’t have any polyps! My husband had a scare with his last year and we had to do a follow-up 6 months later which turned out well. Hope you continue to be symptom free with your diagnosis.

    I enjoyed Tough Justice. Hope you do, too! Happy Mother’s Day!

    Rachel @Waves of Fiction recently posted: Sunday Post #162
  8. Lover of Romance

    Happy Mother’s Day! I hope you get some sunshine this week to enjoy. And not looking forward to getting to my 50’s when I will need to do a colonoscopy. Hae a great week!


    I have been putting off a colonoscopy in any way I can because being disabled I didn’t think I could handle the prep but my doctor is really pressing for it so this could be the year.

    I think some nice weather is headed our way and I am so happy about that.

    Hope you have a fun week after all the tests.

  10. Lisa Mandina (Lisa Loves Literature)

    Ugh, I turn 50 this year and my doctor mentioned doing a colonoscopy. I did the colo-guard thing right before the pandemic I think. But I guess the results were inconclusive? At least that’s what my doctor has, and I don’t remember getting any results back at this point. I guess finding out you have something and can be prepared in case of symptoms starting is good, and the no cancer is especially good. Hopefully you have a better week!

    Lisa Mandina (Lisa Loves Literature) recently posted: Weekly Wrap-Up #66 – May 8th, 2022
  11. Wendy

    Happy Mothers Day! I’m glad your colonoscopy showed no signs of Cancer, and I hope you continue to be symptom-free from Crohn’s disease.

  12. Nya

    Happy Mother’s Day (here in Portugal, it was last week)! So sorry to hear about your diagnosis and hope you still get to enjoy your day with Mr. Caffeinated ☀️

  13. The Liteerary Lioness

    Thanks for hosting!

    Glad you don’t have cancer but sorry about the Crohn’s Disease diagnosis. I hope the follow-up visits have a more positive outcome.

    Enjoy your reading week!

  14. Michelle@Because Reading

    Happy Mom’s Day! I hope you have a great day!
    Fingers crossed for you that the symptoms stay away.
    Sending you lots of hugs!

    Have a great week Kim! Happy Reading! xx

  15. A Voracious Reader

    Happy Mother’s Day, Kim! I hope the tests and things turn out okay. Not having any symptoms can be a good/bad scenario. {{{posivibes}}}

  16. Aj @ Read All The Things!

    Happy Mother’s Day and happy Birthday to Mr. Caffeinated! Sorry about the Crohn’s diagnosis. I know that disease can make life complicated for some people. 🙁

  17. sjhigbee

    I am so sorry about your Crohn’s disease diagnosis. My younger sister has had it very severely since she was 13 years old, but fortunately now is able to control it though it has certainly significantly impacted her life. I hope your doctor is able to give you medication to keep the symptoms to a minimum.

    And a very happy Mothering Sunday to you:)). I hope you have a lovely time with the family.

  18. Jodie

    I also read Book Lovers and absolutely adored it! Sorry to hear about your diagnosis but I’m glad they discovered it while you are still asymptomatic. I wish everyone would consider having a colonoscopy. Having had my Grandfather pass away from colon cancer, I cannot impress the importance of discovering polyps and having them removed. Take care.

  19. Jessica @ a GREAT read

    Happy Mother’s Day to you Kimberly! Hope you have a fantastic day! And Happy Birthday to Mr. Caffeinated as well! My brother-in-law’s father’s birthday is tomorrow, so we got a bit of celebrating to do today along with my mom, sister, aunt, and my sister’s mother-in-law too! It’s going to be a long day! Lol.

    Nice new reads! Those are new to me ones but I hope you enjoy them all!

    Here’s my StS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂

  20. Yvonne @ Socrates Book Reviews

    I’m sorry to hear about your diagnosis. That’s good that you have no symptoms. I’m due for a colonoscopy this year and I’ve been procrastinating. I know, I should get it done and I will. Happy Mother’s Day! Happy Birthday to Mr. Caffeinated. Have a great week!

    Yvonne @ Socrates Book Reviews recently posted: The Weekend Review - May 7th-9th
  21. Harvee

    I started Wild Prey but the animal violence got to me, but will try again after that part is over.

  22. CJRTB Books

    Sorry about your diagnosis. I had an endoscopy and colonoscopy 4 years ago and I have celiac disease. Was a shock as no one else in my family has it and then a year later my son (then 8) got diagnosed with it too.

  23. Louise Hallett

    I’ve known people who have really struggled with Crohn’s so fingers crossed yours remains low level – what a thing to discover on a routine appointment!
    Have a great Mother’s Day and Happy Birthday to your hubby!

  24. Greg

    Happy Mother’s Day! That would be a shock to hear that, but glad to hear you were polyp- free! Wishing you lots of good health vibes as you go forward. I know someone who has it also. Wishing you the best!!!