Gold Train by Lada Ray is a non-stop adult-fiction thriller set in Russia. Protagonist, Jade Snow, a journalist and amateur detective who appeared in Ray’s previous novel entitled Stepford U.S.A. is back in an new tale. Based on historical facts, Ray takes us to Russia, to discover what happen to the entire Gold reserve of the Russian Empire. It vanished without a trace during the Civil War in 1918. The tale offers, suspense, mystery, murder and a touch of paranormal.
The Reluctant by C.S. Splitter
The Reluctant by C.S. Splitter is the first book in the Crayder Chronicles. This adult-fiction offers suspense, mystery and murder delivered with a touch of humor. I enjoyed this easy flowing read and finished it in just a few hours. It isn’t often that I read a book from a male point of view and I found it to be refreshing.
What She Doesn’t Know by Lina Gardiner
What She Doesn’t Know is a romantic suspense novel, that takes place primarily on an isolated island of the Bay of Fundy. Gardiner known for her paranormal romances delivers a suspenseful tale, filled with a secret society and a group of greedy thugs who want to uncover treasure. I quickly became engrossed in the tale and its characters.
Fear the Worst by Linwood Barclay
I picked up Fear the Worst for my e-reader over the summer and was delighted when it was chosen as book of the month for Coffee Talk on Goodreads. Barclay delivers a suspenseful thriller filled with twists and unexpected surprises; as protagonist Tim Blake searches for his missing seventeen year old daughter Sydney.
Old Flames by E.R. Yatscoff
Old Flames, is a suspenseful mystery. Yatscoff takes us into the life of a Canadian firefighter with a secret from his past. The tale has lots of twists and a reveal, that I didn’t see coming. Told from a male protagonist’s point of view, this novel offers a fresh perspective into firefighting, arson and revenge.