Gone Girl was in my reading pile for ages, but when you are a compulsive book buyer and blogger, well, things often get shuffled around. When Lauren @ Northern Plunder mentioned she picked up Gone Girl I immediately suggested we read it together. Our exchange of texts made me giggle as Flynn took us on one heck of a ride. Three word review: twisted, captivating, a nail-biting page turner.
Covet by Tracey Garvis-Graves
Despite trepidation over the subject matter, last year I read and enjoyed Tracey Garvis-Graves’ novel On the Island. I enjoyed it so much that I bought several copies for friends and family as holiday gifts. Imagine my delight when they enjoyed it as much as I did. As a result Covet was one of my most anticipated releases in 2013. I approached it with both excitement and nervousness, as once again Graves touches on a taboo subject. It focuses on relationships and dealing with stressful situations that test the sanctity of marriage. While boundaries are pushed it is important to note that no actual physical cheating occurred. Graves has become a must read author, whose talent at capturing human emotion is breathtaking. Four word review: honest, captivating, heartbreaking and beautiful.
Necessary Lies by Diane Chamberlain
Diane Chamberlain’s novel Necessary Lies, set in rural North Carolina, some fifty years ago, was a moving and beautiful tale capturing both the horror and beauty of this period. I knew going into this book, that it was going to be heartbreaking but what I didn’t expect was to fall in love with these characters and hold them so close to my heart. This is a poignant tale of one of the worst atrocities perpetrated by a governing body in the name of humanity. Three word reviewing: gripping, beautiful and heartbreaking.
Bad Nights by Rebecca York
Bad Nights by Rebecca York drew me in with its synopsis and promise of fast-paced suspense. I enjoy romantic suspense and when you throw in a former Navy Seal as the hero I begin to drool. This was my first experience with the author and I found it to be entertaining. Three word review: suspenseful, and action-packed, with some hot insta-love.
The Trouble with Being a Duke by Sophie Barnes
I have always loved Cinderella and The Trouble with Being A Duke offers us a delightful twist on the tale. This is the first book in the Kingsboro Ball series. Barnes delivered an engaging tale with lovable characters and I am looking forward to reading more of her work. Three word review: enchanting, romantic with some humor.