The Crane Wife by Patrick Ness is based on the Japanese folk tale, “Tsuru no Ongaeshi” and influenced by a contemporary Decemberists’ song, also inspired by the lore. Ness delivered a beautifully written tale as he weaved in magical realism. The story Ness shares is not a romance but instead it is a tale about love, loss and forgiveness itself. While I struggled with certain aspects it had equal parts that were powerful and brilliant. Mini review: beautifully written, sorrowful and yet hopeful.
The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin
The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer is the first novel in the Mara Dyer trilogy by Michelle Hodkin. The tale is a mystery and a romance with a paranormal twist. It has an unreliable narrator and was one heck of a crazy ride. Mini review: Twisted, dark, romantic, frustrating, and suspenseful. Hodkin delivered a pull your hair-out read that left me scratching my head and screaming for more.
Hard As You Can by Laura Kaye
I fell in love with the men that make up Hard Ink, in Hard as It Gets book one of Laura Kaye’s hot new romantic suspense series featuring a former Special Forces team. Hard as You Can brought us back into the action and shared the romance of Shane McCallan and Crystal Dean. Mini review: Intense action, bikers and a girl in trouble made this a page-flipping read.
Three by Kristen Simmons
Kristen Simmons Article 5 trilogy has been one I have thoroughly enjoyed and Three the conclusion was one of my most anticipated books this year. In a sea of trilogy endings that have been lackluster Simmons delivered. She left me satisfied and spent. Mini review: An exciting, moving and gripping ending to a well developed and engaging tale.
Crave by Monica Murphy
Crave is the first novel in the Billionaire Bachelors Club series by Monica Murphy, and it offered up a delightful romance, an interesting bet and some swoon-worthy men. While the tale delivers familiar tropes, it was filled with wicked banter and heat that left me smiling. Mini review: Romantic, sweet and downright sexy, Crave delivered the perfect afternoon escape.