Confessions Only a Book Addict Understands…

March 23rd, 2016 Kimberly Feature 72 Comments

23rd Mar

Caffeinated Confessions

Confessions only a Book Addict Understands….

12 confessions only a fellow Book Addict would understand. Please tell me I am not alone and feel free to share your own Book Addict Problems!

    1. A friend recommends a series that you have never heard of. You get all excited and pop on Kindle and one clicks the first book… Amazon tells you that it seems you bought this book on April 2, 2014. *facepalm* Sometimes I think I one-click books in my sleep.
    2. You own a Kindle, Nook and have both apps on your smartphone and the Audible App is on all of them. You have to be sure you are covered when out and about. This leads to my next bookish problem….
    3. You reach for the next book in a series and are sure you have bought it..but on which device? Upon looking it up you discover you’ve bought the eBook on both Nook and Kindle *face-palm*
    4. You are constantly checking the battery life on your eReader. I usually have one charging while I am reading the other.
    5. When Goodreads goes down you panic. Admit it, you get a little anxious and keep refreshing that screen. Is there some cardinal rule that I need to add a book to my reading list BEFORE I begin reading it? When Goodreads is down it sure the heck feels like it!
    6. You have more book release notifications in your Inbox than actual emails. I have deals and steals notifications, Amazon sends me to release info on favorite authors, Goodreads sends me notifications and Audible lets me know when favorite authors and narrators have upcoming releases. Not to mention all the dang publisher newsletters and author newsletters. Addict? Moi?
    7. Your Google Calendar has more book birthday notifications than actual friend’s birthdays. I always mark release dates for upcoming series releases or highly anticipated releases.
    8. You’re constantly sleep deprived of reading just one more chapter.Sleepy
    9. You plan your social life and yes sometimes your work life around an anticipated book release/event. Before I started working for myself, I scheduled the release day of a few series off as personal days or *cough* sick days. Let’s not mention the anxiety I feel when there is a “social event” I need to attend on release day.
    10. After reading a book you loved, you often find yourself using expressions found in the book in your daily life. Gorydamn is one of my favorite curse words. (Red Rising fans are snorting) Don’t even get me started on how often I quote Charley Davidson.
    11. When I am completely caught up in a story, life annoys me..things like having to feed my family, getting dressed, sleeping, responsibilities…grrr.
    12. belongtoabook
    13. If I am completely honest, the smartphone with its triple memory card I carry is solely for my book/audio apps.


So there you have it confessions only a book addict understands. Share some of yours or tell me I am not alone!

Photo of kimbacaffeinate
About Kimberly
Kimberly is a coffee loving book addict who reads and listens to fictional stories in all genres. Whovian, Ravenclaw, Howler and proud Nonna. She owns and manages Caffeinated PR. The coffee is always on and she is ready to chat. BlueSky | Facebook | Instagram

72 Responses to “Confessions Only a Book Addict Understands…”

  1. Dani Chapman

    LOL… yes, yes and yes. So many of those are so very true to me. I even have one to add – Never leave home with out at least one of your ereaders (mine is my Paperwhite). It fits nicely in my purse and since I make my husband drive when we are together I can read while he tries to chat with me (paperbag over face).

  2. MarthaE

    What a fun post. I can relate to 6, 8 and 11 especially. My multiple devises are Kindle and Audible so I don’t cross over too much. Sometimes I do spend an extra $1,99 to get the Audible version though. 🙂 Thanks for sharing!

  3. Tiffany

    I totes agree with everything you stated. Having multiple devices is why I now read on my iPad. I never remember if I bought books from iBooks, Kindle, or Nook. It’s just easier to read on a device where I can access all my books. However, I do also own a kindle, and have contemplated upgrading to a Fire. Why?!? Makes no sense!

  4. Suzanne

    How funny! What a great list! I am definitely one to suffer from 1, 2, 3 & 4!! Thanks for sharing and letting us know we are not alone…

  5. Judith

    Nailed each and every one of them. I have taken vacation days from work for a book release. The night that Harry Potter 7 was released I was in line to get it at midnight and had that bad boy read and finished by 6:30 am. I also remember once giving a worker at Barnes and Noble a hard time because when they opened their doors that morning the newest Laurell K Hamilton wasn’t already on the shelf waiting on me to pick it up. (Many years ago)

    Thank goodness for ebooks and direct deliver to your reader. You know a book addict spearheaded that little invention. 🙂

  6. Liza Barrett

    Hahaha, I definitely do some of these 🙂 I DO have an exorbitant amount of book-related apps on my phone. Thank goodness for folders on the homepage, or I’d never be able to find anything! The majority of my phone’s battery power/memory goes to Audible, for-sure. And I use book-related “swear” words all the time! Most of high school my friends and I always said “void it back to the turn!” when we were angry … which was a combination of at least 2 series … I shall have to recall some of my favorites and use them to wean myself off of real swear words, now that I’m having a little one 🙂

  7. Jennifer

    #2 and #12. Especially #12 when I upgraded to the new iPhone 6s+ I got a bigger G so that I could download more audiobooks. LOL

  8. Wattle

    I only have a kindle but occasionally go to buy something that I already own lol or I buy physical books and then find another copy of it six months later :/

    I swear Goodreads always goes down just as I’m desperate to use it, every time! 😛

  9. Lorna

    Yes to all of these except I don’t have a nook. I do have five Kindles although I only use three! Also I want to know how I can get a triple memory card for my smart phone? I’ve been getting library books as well lately. I need an intervention or something!

  10. ShootingStarsMag

    I only have one e-reader so it’s very depressing when It “kicks me off” if you will, since the battery needs to be charged. sigh. I compulsively check it when I’m away from home and reading. I don’t want it to die! haha


  11. Katherine

    Not all of these directly apply to me but I definitely understand them! I get so many notifications of book releases and books splurges and newsletters and everything it’s crazy and I definitely panic when Goodreads goes down. What if I forget that I want to read a book??

  12. Cyn

    Haha, great list! I have a Kobe, a Kindle, and all the apps on my phone, it’s nice to never be without a book! I’m very sad when Goodreads goes down and yes, so annoying when life gets in the way of reading!.

  13. Candace

    Yes for sure about using terms from books! And yesterday I had the day off from the computer for a mini trip and when waiting on coffee I glanced at my email and I had 124 emails (this was just from about 4 hours of not checking) and my mom looked over my shoulder and I showed her the insaneness. Everyone was either a blog comment or something book related. It was insanity!

  14. Rita

    Love this discussion. Yep, yep and yep. I have a Paperwhite that I read on and a Kindle Fire that I play games on and watch Netflix, Hulu and Amazon Prime on sometimes but it’s my second choice for reading books on (as you mentioned, one is charging while the other is used and also a print book is always lying on the coffee table for those emergency times when, oops, no e-reader available to use! Now that I’m starting audio, that’s another category I have, so I can conceivably have 4 stories going if I wanted in different locations.

    And #8…. yes to the max!! Can’t you tell by my untouched photo on my blog, lol. My eye bags should have their own zip code!

  15. AngelErin

    Oh my gosh yes! You are not alone here Kim. I just love the one about Goodreads, that is so true! When Goodreads is down I don’t know what to do with my life. I need on Goodreads RIGHT NOW. Lol! I have to admit that if I’m blogging, reading, or doing anything book related, I will ignore phone calls and texts. Then when the person asks me why I missed their call I make something up because I know they won’t understand why finishing my book or whatever was more important. 😡

    • AngelErin

      Oops that was supposed to be a happy face. 🙂 Also, thanks so much for sharing your confessions. Great post.

  16. Jaime Lester

    Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes and yes! That’s 12 yes’s right? Well, it should be because YES to all of the above~!

  17. Stephanie

    These are great! While I relate to so many of them- 8, 10, and 11 are SOOOOO me! I am tired today because I stayed up way too late last night reading. Thanks for sharing!

  18. Sophia Rose

    Yep, all the above. And making sure that all my nearest and dearest have my wish list when they head to their library sales and city yard sales. Being left alone while I do chores or errands, but suddenly someone NEEDs to talk when they see me settled in with my book. Having to make sure that purses, etc will indeed hold my Kindle since I never go anywhere without at least that or a paper copy even if it’s just to the store because ‘just in case’ happens. Getting odd looks and lots of space at the dentist’s office when I forget I’m in public and growl-grumble-giggle or mutter at the book.
    Yep, we do have our issues. LOL

  19. Jen

    Great post! I can relate to a lot of those.

    I’m going to link to this tomorrow in my “Share the Love” post 🙂

  20. Amber Elise

    I’m definitely guilty of number 9. My husband is my chaffeur, so if there is a book signing going on…he’s going too!

  21. Christy LoveOfBooks

    Haha … so much yes to #1. All the damn time! I only use Kindle and it’s apps, though. Not sure why I’d need a Nook too. Great post, Kim. ;D

  22. Debbie Haupt

    Kim first sorry I’ve been awol lately but OMG this was the review month from heck 😉
    Everything gets put to bed on Monday not only did I have to review my series but I requested two and then two authors I usually review for have June releases and oh yeah LibraryJournal who I haven’t had a book from in 6mos send me two LOL Okay sorry

    I can definitely relate to 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11 and 12 wow were we all separated at birth, is there a recessive blogger gene do you think 🙂 Love the post you kill me and believe me right now I needed it!! Love you xoxo

  23. Lindsey

    Oh you are so not alone! I spend my whole day at work itching to get back into my book and it’s a nightmare if I don’t have an overflow of books that all have review dates/library deadlines etc and I can’t stop ordering more! I loved this post!

  24. Melissa (Books and Things)

    #1, 7, and 10 are my life. LOLI cannot believe how many times I’m surprised that I already have the book. Luckily I usually have gotten it at a very good sale or free. Otherwise I’d be more book broke than I am! I can’t do 8 but I want to badly. 😀 Coffee doesn’t wake me up. 🙁

  25. Lover Of Romance

    haha this is a rockin’ post!! Made me burst out in laughter and is all true. Especially goodreads. Whenever it goes down for updates or just over its traffic limits—I go crazy…checking facebook and twitter updates and refreshing every two seconds. hehe I rely on GR way too much.

  26. Ro

    Oh my goodness, these are all so fun, and there a few I can relate to for sure! Great post! Hugs…

  27. Eva

    YES to all of these! I totally agree that when you are caught up in a story, real life sucks when it intrudes!! I am also obsessed with the battery life on e-reader and am always buying the first in series and forgetting about them until I see another blogger recommend them and I go to purchase . . . great list!!

  28. Leona

    I love this so freaking hard!!! I thought I was the only one who experienced these things lol!

  29. Amanda

    These are too funny! I was just trying to explain the kindle awareness anxiety to my husband this morning.

  30. Lexxie

    So much all of this, Kim, apart from the Nook. They won’t sell books to people abroad, so I’m saved by that. Gorydamn and Bloodydamn have become my favorite swearwords, too 😀 They are both so good, and have so much feeling in them 🙂
    I have a kindle app on both my phone and my iPad, plus more than one actual kindle, too, plus, it happens more often than not that amazon informs me about the prior purchase of that book I thought I just found out about 😉
    Great post!

  31. La La in the Library

    Yes to all of this! Except the Nook. So far I have managed to keep to one format. Ha ha. But I have three Kindles and at least one is always charging. XD

  32. Emma

    These made me laugh…though can’t say I own a nook so have avoided face palming

  33. Maureen Beatrice

    I love this Kimberly. And how true these confessions are.. I always double check my eReader battery.. I would hate to have no battery. Another confession for me would be that I ALWAYS bring a book with me anywhere.. work, family visits.. just everywhere. It doesn’t matter that I don’t have the kind of job where you can’t read.. I just take a book with me and I feel better. 😀

  34. Heidi

    Yoru post acutally makes me feel better about my bookish habits. I am not quite as bad. I only have a Kindle and an iPhone and an iPad not two ereaders 🙂 I don’t buy hardly any books for the same reason you mentioned and I am so behind on my ARCS that there is no point until I catch up. Sigh….. I need more hours in the day to read.

  35. Kristin

    Wow… you do have it bad!!! Gotta say, having two different versions of the same book, one Nook, one Kindle, that kind of blows my mind!!! I bow to your “bookiness”

    • Leona

      Hey! welcome to the book blogging world! I followed you on Bloglovin’ to keep up with your posts 🙂

  36. Tanya

    This is 100% true. My kindle gets plugged in every night. Plus I carry a cord. No way is that puppy dying on me. I have become a planner addict this year. I have stickers to just mark the times I read or when I can listen to my books. They are scheduled. No one is screwing with stuff I am scheduled to do. Now we must discuss your notifications. Where are you getting the notifications from? Do you pick your favorite authors and then Amazon and Goodreads just sends you updates on those only? How does this work? I have to know because I am a disorganized book release date mess right now! 🙂

  37. Bookworm Brandee

    That one…that one…and yes, that one… Yep, I can relate to all your confessions. The only one I don’t have in common is the smartphone with triple memory card. Buuuut, that’s a great idea!! bwahahahaha!! I have to tell you that I laughed hardest and longest over the Google calendar having more book birthdays than friends’. Yeah, so that!!

  38. kindlemom1

    Oh my gosh I am laughing so hard right now because I just finished Morning Star and for the past few days, that word as been stuck in my head LOL! I thought I was the only one. I think it might become my new favorite curse word. 😉

  39. Daniela Ark

    Great post! May I add another one?? Owning all formats of a book 🙂 I actually learned it form you recently, though you didn’t mean it as an advice. I think it was a book review. You said you loved the book so much you had all three formats. Thanks for the great idea! I rediscover my love for real books and know I have less DNFs. I realized that I don’t enjoy some books in electronic format! what a weirdo LOL

  40. Sarah

    Oh ALL OF THESE. But especially 1 and 3. It’s so hard to keep track of books that you already own/read when you have like 5 different devices with 5 different reading apps… haha!

  41. Lucia

    I gorydamn love this post! Constantly checking the battery life on my eReader (and carrying “just in case” paperback with me), feeling weird when Goodreads is down and planning my social life around book releases is definitely how my book addiction works as well 🙂

  42. Laurel-Rain Snow

    Ha-ha, you nailed us! I am always checking my battery on my Kindle, too, as it seems to use sooo much life! Could it be because I’m always reading on it? And God forbid the battery dies just when a pre-ordered book is reading to download!

    Not to mention all the other downloading I must do after visiting blogs in the mornings. But…I don’t have to call in sick to work…since I work for myself these days…

    I hadn’t thought of putting release dates on Google calendar…great idea!

    Thanks for making me smile before I’ve even had coffee this morning…LOL

  43. Lekeisha

    Haha! I understand completely. Especially quoting your favorite characters! Also, forgetting that you’ve already one clicked a book years earlier. I remember when Allegiant was released. I had already out in a request to be off that day, so that I could go buy the book as soon as BAM opened. No one understands our needs like we do. I am not ashamed.

  44. Lisa Mandina (Lisa Loves Literature)

    2, 5, 8, 10, and 11 are all me! Especially 5! I panic when Goodreads goes down and I’m needing to update my status in a book I’m reading. As for 8, my sleep deprivations is starting to come more from audiobooks. I only listen to them usually in the car or at the gym, but when the story is really good, sometimes I’ll think I’ll just listen to one chapter. But it’s not enough, I have to know what is going to happen! Such a fun post!

  45. bettylouise

    This is great and almost all of them, I have. My cat seems to know when I have a thrilling part of the story and demands my attention. That is annoying.

  46. Jenny

    YES TO ALL OF THESE! But especially #11. There’s nothing worse than real life on the release day for a long-awaited book. Don’t talk to me, don’t expect me to move from my spot on the couch, and just generally don’t try and separate me from my Precious until I’m done:)

  47. Melanie Simmons

    I totally get this. I’ve done many of these. The fact that I have the Kindle app on my phone saved me the other day. We were running a few errands before going to a tax appointment. We ended up there an hour early. I quickly downloaded the book onto my Kindle app and read on my phone.for that hour. I gone to buy an ebook only to realize that I already had it purchased. I’ve also bought on nook and kindle. *sigh*

  48. Lark

    Oh, some of these are so familiar — and all of them made me smile! I got the low-end 7″ Kindle Fire in addition to my Kindle Paperwhite. The stated reason was to try out some apps I wanted to try (like Wunderlist) but the REAL reasons were a) to be able to read books with illustrations and b) as a backup to my Paperwhite in case I ran out of battery. 🙂

    I’ve been known to take a day off to read a new release, too. (It helps that I’m self-employed!) As for sleep vs. books, is there really any competition? 😉

  49. Greg

    Battery life should never go down so irritating! Between the games and the reading is it ever charged up? lol. And yeah #8- reading seems to trump sleeping every time. 🙂

  50. Nick

    Hahahaha! This is hilarious, Kim! 😀
    I resonated with so many of these! The checking the battery life and panic when GR goes down is especially true!
    Awesome post, Kim!

  51. Heather B

    Oh, let’s not forget the joy of waking up to a notification from Amazon that your pre-ordered highly anticipated release is on your Kindle, only to have UPS bring you the hardback/paperback later the same day because you managed to pre-order both versions without realizing it. Or so I’ve heard. From a friend. Not me. Nope, totally not me….

    • kimbacaffeinate

      Bwahaha..I love that! Although I do own all three formats of some of my favorite series. One eBook version, one hardcover and one audio…of EACH book in the series..LOL however this was done intentionally, unlike my 7.99 mistake of buying the book on Nook and Amazon..oops!

  52. Mary Kirkland

    #11 is so true for me. That’s probably why I read late at night when hubby is in bed. I don’t have some of those other problems because I only have the one Kindle and I buy mostly paperbacks.

  53. Bieke

    Ahaha I know all of this very well. Especially the GR being down thing. PANIC! EVERYONE PANIC!!

  54. blodeuedd

    I am so afraid my battery will die at work, since that is where I have my e-reader and read and if it died, what would I do! Audio book..yeah 😉

  55. Melliane

    lol I love that and I totally agree even if I have only one ereader and it’s a pocketbook. So my one is when a book is only in kindle and that I don’t have one…. arrrrghhhh terrible!