Gadgets and Apps for Readers
Today I thought I would share some cool gadgets, websites and Apps for the reader. I am going to assume the Goodreads App, Kindle, Barnes and Noble and Audible apps are ones you already utilize. If you don’t go grab them. I cannot live without them. The following are fun, informative, useful, and silly apps/sites for the Book Lover in all of us….
- Find Your Next Book Boyfriend. Do you know what kind of fictional hero makes you swoon? Head over to Romance At Random and try their new Book Boyfriend tool. Answer a few questions about your latest book boyfriend and they will pair you with your next read. I have had so much fun playing around with this, and enjoyed a title it selected. It gives you several book options so you can stock up.
- How Fast Do You Read? Ever wonder how long it takes you to read? Staples offers a reading test to help you determine just that. You can take the Reading test online at Staples.
- Instapaper- Do you ever see an article or link while surfing on your smartphone, tablet or apple but don’t have time to open link and read. Than later you cannot find it? With the Instapaper App you can save links to it and read them later. Here are the app links for Android and Apple
- Wattpad While I haven’t utilized this app/website myself. My daughters who are on very tight budgets have found some great reads. Wattpad is a place to discover and share stories. You can search for any topic or genre. While some stories are rough and of poor quality..everything is free so you can browse till you find a good one. It should be noted that some of today published authors began here. The site is available for PC/Android and Apple. Learn more about Wattpad.
- Smart Audiobook Player- I love this app and use it to listen to any book I have not purchased from the Audible App. It lets me listen, set speed, shows my progress and set a sleep timer. Try the free version first and you can upgrade the app for 2.00 at anytime. I upgraded for the additional features. Learn more about the Smart Audiobook Player.
- Overdrive App– The Overdrive App is brilliant as it connects you to your local library where you can read eBooks, listen to audios and even watch movies. It is available for PC/Android and Apple. Learn more about Overdrive.
- Novel Engagement -Designed for romance lovers this app available for PC/Android and Apple connects readers to new books and authors. This is a fun app with a wealth of information. I love that I can get news about my favorite authors next release and discover new releases. Learn more about Novel Engagement.
- DropBox– Dropbox is safe, secure storage in the clouds and I utilize it for storing documents I would be lost without from cheat sheets to my blog theme, posts etc. It offers free storage which you can increase by sharing or purchasing additional space. You can have it on your laptop and as an app to access anywhere at anytime. Learn more about Dropbox.
- Bookperk-provides daily eBook bargains, sneak peaks and exclusive offers. This brings sales and special deals right to my inbox with purchase links to my favorite book stores. There are always special codes for free books from HaperCollins that you can download and read with the HarperCollins reader app. Learn more and get a free eBook just for trying Bookperk.
For following blogs I recommend the Bloglovin’ App. It updates regularly and lets you see your feed, as well as search for specific blogs. Twitter and Facebook are ideal for socializing with other bloggers and keeping abreast of publisher and author news.

A Voracious Reader
I have a dumb phone, so no apps for me. I’m kinda skerrid to get a smartphone. Technology tends to overwhelm me.
Sharon - Obsession with Books
These all sound great Kimba! Thank you for sharing.
Tyler H Jolley
This is a great list! I did my entire comic book with drop box. The artist lived in Texas and it worked wonderfully!
Anna Simpson
It’s like Christmas. Thank you 🙂
I love bloglovin’ but I haven’t yet tried the app. I like Dropbox but I need to utilize more. Good post.
I like it, Feedly has a phone app too. It makes it easy to go through my daily feed. Dropbox serves me well. I keep files there for the blog in case my laptop dies.
Paij Slater
Fun! Thanks
Bookworm Brandee
Well, I’d heard of wattpad but didn’t know much about it. Overdrive is awesome. And I’ve accessed dropbox but only because others use it. I didn’t know I could use it for myself. The other apps I hadn’t heard of but you can be sure I’ll be checking out Find Your Next Book Boyfriend, Novel Engagement, and Bookperk!! Thanks for sharing, Kimba!
My problem is that I have no space. I bought the iphone w/ the smallest amount of storage cause that’s all I could afford. Now I can’t really fit any extras. I do have the audible app and goodreads app. And Amazon, of course. I’ve had some of the others and had to delete because of lack of space. Some of these sound awesome but I hadn’t heard of them before.
Some will work on laptop. Also I know for android you can buy memory cards..I did..LOL Maybe Santa could bring you one.
Great list! I use Dropbox but hadn’t thought of storing blog stuff in it, since I do all my blogging from the laptop. Novel Engagement looks fun, once it comes out in a website version. Bookperk is great, and I’m signed up with several other free book notification services too – BookBub is a good one. And Overdrive is terrific for library books, if your library uses it; I also use it to download the free YA audiobooks from SYNC in the summertime.
You can have dropbox on your computer and phone. It will sync. I keep important blog documents, codes, etc in mine and love being able to access it from anywhere.
Stacy (StacyHgg)
Great post!
I love checking out new apps 🙂
And I’ve never heard of Book Perks so I’m going to try that one out. Another App I love is Feedly. I know most people use Bloglovin as their RSS app but I’m a Feedly gal!
Pocket and Sunrise calendar apps are great too for bloggy related stuff.
I’m liking the instapaper app and how fast to you read. I honestly like all of them, but I’m definitely going to look into those two… lols. I can’t live without my NOOK and Kindle apps…I love having choices.
thanks Kim
Amber Elise
I think Book Perk is calling my name! Haha
I’ve heard some great things about Wattpad, I think even some YA authors use it as a “freebie’ for their books. I’ll have to check it out. It sounds similar to
Amber Elise @ Du Livre
Oh wow, lots of apps I didn’t know about. I have a windows phone, so I’m a bit limited on a lot of apps, but still! Thanks for sharing.
Some of these will work on your laptop 🙂
Laurie Carlson
Awesome! I was going to ask you what kind of phone we needed because I only own a Trac Phone. I know! Get OUT of the DUNGEON!! LOL!!!
I’m SO GLAD some of the APPS can be used on a laptop because I do use a few already, but that was going to be a question! I know some Apps are different than the computer Apps.! That was going to be my question for you, but I see other people use some of these on their laptops, so that answers my questions! One question I do have is whether or not the APPS are better than what we can get on the computer? I don’t know since I don’t have a phone that I can use APPS for. However, the Apps you talk about here for the phones, are they only for Android phones?
Do you need a “smart phone” to get to these Apps?
Do you need to get these Apps from a certain App store? How do we know what App store they are in? Or are most of these from the Google App store?
I am asking these questions in the event if we DO get a phone then I’ll know if I should get a Smart phone or just use ANY Android device!
Some of these links will work on your laptop. Depending on what phone platform you use you would get the apps from different stores. Ex. Apple Store or Google Play
Laurie Carlson
Thanks for the answer! I only have a Tracphone, but it DOES get internet access, but expensive access! I guess I’ll wait until I have a better cell phone! Thanks again!
Lisa Mandina (Lisa Loves Literature)
The How Fast can you read thing sound fun! I get Bookperks emails, didn’t realize there was an app, so I’ll have to go see about that. Great post! I’ve also tagged you in the Gif tag, and you can see my post in the link below.
Sophia Rose
I didn’t know about half of these so I’m geeked to poke around and try a few. Thanks for sharing!
Angela Adams
So much information! Thanks for sharing!!
Normandie Alleman
Great list! So glad you’re using the Novel Engagement. That’s a great product from RWA. 🙂
Stephanie Faris
These are all SO cool! I knew about the Overdrive app–used to have to use it to get library books, but now they go straight to my Kindle like magic! I’ll check out the others.
Fun! I like the reading test and the book boyfriend test. Will have to find out the answer to both. Instapaper sounds interesting and like something I’ve been needing. I’m pinning this so I can play around with the other stuff too. Thanks for sharing!
Stupid nokia phone, I need an android
I know BookPerk and DropBox, but most of these are new to me!
Very informative and I’m going to check into Book Perk and DropBox more now.
I am a worrywart though, and I worry about privacy issues because every day in the news we hear about hackers getting your info. I will admit I know the basics of a cloud but am not tech savvy. I don’t need most of these apps because I am home all day and can just look up stuff on my computer and not my phone. I have the old 4S smartphone, and the screen is not big enough for my preference of reading; I take my Paperwhite everywhere. Anyway, thanks because you’ve helped many of us out today.
DropBox is a very safe and secure way to save photos and documents in the cloud.
Laurie Carlson
Where have I been? This is the first time I’ve heard of “Dropbox”! Kimba, I’ve learned SO MUCH from you in such a short time that I’ve known you now! WOW!!! Thank you SO much! You are a GEMSTONE, and help others SO MUCH! I LOVE how friendly you are, too! Thank YOU!!! (PS. LOVE your blog, too! It’s a reflection of you! It shines!) Happy Thanksgiving if I don’t talk to you before then!
Happy Thanksgiving to EVERYONE!
I tried the book boyfriend a little bit ago and it was a lot of fun even if some of the men they brought up I had no idea who they were.
Thanks for all the great suggestions and apps to try!
Thanks for sharing these, Kim. I especially found the ones about finding out how fast you read and the one you can save links while reading on your smartphone to be the most interesting!
Great info! As always 🙂
Thanks Kimba.
Mary Lewis Soileau
Great app info!! I use quite a few of these but definitely want to try the Book Boyfriend. How fun!!
Laurel-Rain Snow
Thanks, Kimba….I have Dropbox, because my son told me about it. He got more space on his by finding a new member. I use it for photos and files…and I love it!
I signed up for Wattpad, but haven’t done anything further. Something to check out.
I use all the basic ones (daily, all say!) but the only one of the others you mentioned is overdrive. I must look into Dropbox but I mostly use iCloud for storing docs. I use the WordPress app too.
Jennifer Bielman
These are awesome! I am trying the first two out right now.
I don’t use a lot I confess but they’re all interesting. thanks for the info!
Red Iza
Unless you’re a professional book reader (or a crazy hoarder like me), avoid the bookperks like the plague, that’s how you find yourself owning 700+ books that will take your years to read lol 😉
Shelley Munro
Thanks for sharing. I use a few of these but others are new. I’m off to check them out!
Melanie (YA Midnight Reads)
Ooh interesting post! For how fast I read, I got 830 words per minute, which was interesting to find out!
Thanks for sharing, Kimba <33
Really informative article. Love reading about stuff we can use in every day life. Very cool!
this really great ,, so helpful ,, thank for sharing 🙂